Newegg Mistakenly Sends Emails About Settlements On AMD, Nvidia GPUs

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I agree. It can't possibly be just a mistake. The title of the email certainly went against the R9 GPUs (“AMD R9 Class Action Lawsuit Settlement”) and there clearly hasn't been any news regarding a lawsuit against those cards.
Somebody should bite the dust for this, toes to head.
Makes no sense how it would even be typed into an email by someone who doesn't know about graphics cards or the latest news with graphics cards. Keep the R9 Line out of it! My 290X was and still is one of the soundest investments I've made, and dumb stuff like this has the potential to influence uneducated graphics card owners into thinking that AMD has a lawsuit.

You know that in a month or so, someone out there will be like "Hey remember that class action lawsuit with AMD?..."
Fired? You guys are unbelievable. It's probably a practical joke gone wrong. It hardly warrants being fired.
People are always so fast to call for people to have their lives ruined.
Who knows you might already have your wish, it might of been some angry employee leaving the company as his last act.
Fired though... Come on.

Actually I've known people at minimum wage jobs that have been fired for less. For two sets of mass emails to get sent out this would have been approved by at least two levels of management and likely by legal as well. Listing a different company as part of a settlement? Several people really dropped the ball here. Someone in management should definitely be fired or at the very least demoted for this. We expect our McDonald's orders and our Heart Surgeon's to be perfect. No reason to hold Newegg to different standards.
Well... you need to establish that there was malice involved. As we all know, being negligent, grossly negligent, or just plain ignorant is not enough to face real repercussions for one's actions, especially related to emails. There's got to be at least one pretty clear example of this somewhere to set some sort of precedent.

Ok in all seriousness, I can not think of a situation where this happens accidentally. Somebody somewhere should have their access to customer email database revoked.

This is also a great example of why people should be concerned about who has their personal information and how its handled at various companies. This situation shows that companies have some lack of protections against bad actors within a company. How many people hold the keys, and can use them?

Yes, more than fired, if possible. There are many competent people out there looking for jobs who don't get their chance to shine because prostitutes keep warming the wrong seats. Requirements and expectations are higher today - as hard as some people make it to get a job, it should be just as easy to throw incompetents out the window.
Also, it's funny how a couple blowjobs equate university studies nowadays, don't you think?
Dumb copulations get paid the right way, while graduates work at McDonald's or wander around LinkedIn.
And then you're the one saying we are UNBELIEVABLE? Open your eyes.

Having somebody talk you in even skips the job interview and voilà! You're getting paid in no time! All that while people who deserve to get there keep applying for jobs living off mom and dad till they're 30.
Welcome to the 30nager era. All thanks to this POS mentality.

Let's clean corporate buildings, fill the trash cans with the trash and get to work with the right ones.
Justice for all. Karma's always done something about it, but it's getting too slow for the times and this calls upon the ones in the right positions to make the right dog gamn choices.
You are all assuming it wasn't a disgruntled employee with 1/2way decent hacking skills and the second email was actually sent by newegg to cover it's butt. Since newegg hasn't disclosed exactly what caused the original email, its all just speculation anyways.
It is auite strange to be an 'accident', but I would attribute it to plain ignorance.

And about the comment above mine: I don't live in USA, so things might work differently, but I believe that most people with degree who lose a spot against someone with connections deserve it. I don't mean it as something bad, as 'you deserve to suffer', no. I say it because connections are very important, and being able to make your own is more useful for a company that pure technical knowmedge, most of the times.
I know that some of the people getting hired didn't make their own connections, but just family relations. But that also has merits. If I work really hard and make a name for myself, I would like for my children to reap the benefits too. Not because of their effort, but because of mine. 'The deserve it in my place'.
..who cares.
There is no AMD lawsuit.

The Lawsuit that DOES exist, is with NVIDIA, and there claim of 4GB cards that were actually 3.5GB....end of story.

The rest is all irrelevant.
Lets say the newspaper accidentally states your are a pedophile. A week later they say it is a mistake... too late. People will forever think you are a pedophile, and the newspaper would be sued. This is no different.

Damage to the public image and public perception should be paid for. People ought to be held responsible for their bullexcrement, especially when a simple mail goes around the world in minutes nowadays.

That's not right. Humans make mistakes. There are too many people on Earth and thus making a mistake without paying for it should never be the case. You are free to make mistakes, but be prepared to be held responsible.
I for one can say freely that I want to be held responsible for whatever I do and say in a company. Have I done very well? Promote me. Have I screwed up? Fire me if that's the case. There are PLENTY out there just waiting for the opportunity to jump and take the incompetent one's place. Fair enough.

Actually there are several lawsuits against AMD for false advertising of which they will likely settle minor damages but this is not one of them. Error on Newegg's part - most likely misunderstanding from their legal team. Could even be error in court documents.

I agree AMD doesn't need anymore doubt in the public sphere - they already get enough of that every time someone installs their driver packages. We all need AMD to get some wins as the prices of our CPUs and GFX cards continue to climb.


People still think AMD is the only one that has problems with their driver packages? They fix power issues on a newly launched card with a driver update, and have increased performance on several games by a respectable degree with driver updates. They also actively work with others to help improve improve the state of the industry for everyone, not just themselves. While Nvidia releases "gameworks" drivers that have slowed down kepler cards, and released drivers that cause some systems to glitch out, yet people still think AMD is the only one that can make shit drivers. Sigh, I guess it's never enough for some.

My guess is that the development team was testing a new process and forgot to disable the email step or ran it in the wrong environment. It's easy to make mistakes when you're rushed on a tight software development schedule.
The thing is, this wasn't some covered-up action. The error was acknowledged. Any remotely credible tech site that reports on the fact that this email initially went out, would likewise report on the fact that it was an error. Anyone who is making a decision on the purchase of a GPU based on whether or not the company has been in a lawsuit, but isn't doing enough research to see the story just the next day or two about there not really being a lawsuit, is probably a fanboy that's already made their decision.

AMD's stock is up literally 3x where it was a year ago. Are they happy about this screw-up at Newegg? No. But I don't think they're all that concerned about it right now either. Things are turning around for them in a big way right now. A recanted story about a non-existent lawsuit is not going to be that big of a deal.
Why does NVIDA have so many fanboys...... Since 2001 I have owned 2 NVIDA video cards and they both were defective cards that ended up in Class Action Lawsuits because NVIDA would not admit that they messed up (censored version of what I actually want to say).

I have never had any issues like that with ATI (AMD) video cards ever. When a company lies to people like that, they should be fined or shut down permanently.
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