A little background: It had been over 10 years since I did a new build. So I'm out of the loop troubleshooting wise and haven't stayed up to date on my parts. Over the next few days I plan to troubleshoot with a friend. Hoping to find advice if not answers here.
It's been working perfectly since I built it in June. I had been playing Cyberpunk 2077. I was monitoring temps for the first few days and cut my monitoring off because the overlay was distracting. I never saw the GPU spike above 72 or the CPU above 40 or so.
The other night I was playing and the PC just turned off. Full stop off. Ever since then I cannot get it to display a thing. I've tried onboard and GPU. With and without the GPU installed.
Tried reseating RAM, powered down and clicked the cmos reset button on the MB. (since then whenever I switch power on the PSU the PC boots immediately)
I have a voltmeter for troubleshooting, but haven't looked into what I need to check yet.
One time I thought I heard a double beep, according to Gigabyte means memory issue. Then again it was not the familiar BIOS beeps I had been used to. I may have the MB speaker installed wrong. It's currently in the +/NC pins of the front/case pinset.
I'm currently at a loss. My friend is researching voltage readings tonight so see if it's a power issue.
A little background: It had been over 10 years since I did a new build. So I'm out of the loop troubleshooting wise and haven't stayed up to date on my parts. Over the next few days I plan to troubleshoot with a friend. Hoping to find advice if not answers here.
It's been working perfectly since I built it in June. I had been playing Cyberpunk 2077. I was monitoring temps for the first few days and cut my monitoring off because the overlay was distracting. I never saw the GPU spike above 72 or the CPU above 40 or so.
The other night I was playing and the PC just turned off. Full stop off. Ever since then I cannot get it to display a thing. I've tried onboard and GPU. With and without the GPU installed.
Tried reseating RAM, powered down and clicked the cmos reset button on the MB. (since then whenever I switch power on the PSU the PC boots immediately)
I have a voltmeter for troubleshooting, but haven't looked into what I need to check yet.
One time I thought I heard a double beep, according to Gigabyte means memory issue. Then again it was not the familiar BIOS beeps I had been used to. I may have the MB speaker installed wrong. It's currently in the +/NC pins of the front/case pinset.
I'm currently at a loss. My friend is researching voltage readings tonight so see if it's a power issue.