Newly built computer trouble


Dec 17, 2013
My computer is just built, when I flick on the the power button on the PSU the motherboard and GPU light up, but pressing the front button does nothing. Help?
there is a set of twisted pair colored cables that run from the front portion of your computer case. these cables need to be seated correctly on a very specific section of your motherboard. if they are not seated fully and correctly then the buttons and lights on your case will not work. post your MOBO brand and model as well as your case brand and model if you want more details
there is a set of twisted pair colored cables that run from the front portion of your computer case. these cables need to be seated correctly on a very specific section of your motherboard. if they are not seated fully and correctly then the buttons and lights on your case will not work. post your MOBO brand and model as well as your case brand and model if you want more details

i could use same help,
MB: z87 1150 asrock extre6
Case: corsair c70

Need the CASE not the power supply.
The power supply has one maybe two basic connections to the MOBO that, if not connected properly, will sizzle and fry your machine or yield no activity whatsoever; so I doubt the PSU is the problem here.
The case wiring is probably mismatched or missing.....will try to find you a nice diagram to go by. Need case model and brand though!

UPDATE: Look at the following link. See the twisted pair cables that are brightly colored red-white, green-white and blue-white? That's what you need to check.

He has a Corsair C70 ^