Next-Generation Kinect for Windows Coming in 2014

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Finally instead of quickly typing and using a mouse I can use LSO signals to write a letter and navigate the web.

"... including the sensor’s ability to recognize facial features, hand position, and more."

The question is will the computer know what you are doing or wig out whenever adult entertainment comes on?


some one made a porn game for the last one so why not
I never cared for it when it was first introduced.... and I probably won't care for it 2 or 3 decades from now either.
Call me "outdated Microsoft" but I will always use a Keyboard and Mouse and the "occasional" game pad.
Trix are for kids and so are Kinect games! They keep their garbage spy game on the consoles I am going to pass.
I don't PC game to jump around like an idiot and if I want to exercise I will go outside.

This could be really awesome for the PC. The modding community could come up with some really cool stuff using Kinect.
Meanwhile, the Leap Motion controller is 100x more sensitive and therefore useful than the current gen Kinect, and already does all the things that Kinect R2 promises to do at a significantly cheaper price. There's also a definitive release date: July 22, 2013.

Microsoft better bring something truly amazing to the table in 2014, otherwise July 22 marks the end of Kinect.
this and Oculus Rift will be amazing no need for a mouse to aim or keyboard to move just tilt your head to move and aim with your hand like your holding a gun 😀
Sounds expensive. The excuse so far has been that it was a product "for developers." What will the excuse be this time? It does a lot..... ???
If MS wants to push this tech, it needs to be out the door for less than a C-note. Only then will you have widespread adaption. And only then will you have quality programs written to utilize it.
head tracking FTW
in my opinion the only good thing about this product is the head tracking capabilities. no wires no messy ir light only a 3d web cam : )
Because we've all been enjoying everything the original Kinect has brought to Windows thus far. /end sarcasm
Seriously though, unless you're hooking this up to an HTPC or you are a person with a disability, I don't see much use for this nor do I see MS selling a large number of these things for the PC.
Maybe my wife is right and I'm not too imaginative. But that's a different discussion all together.
Does anyone remember who that Microsoft goof ball was that screamed "Kinect will never come to Windows"... I wonder if he still works there ;-)
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