Nintendo Discontinues NES Classic Edition, Final Shipments Coming This Month

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Are you kidding? That really sucks. I guess no classic edition for me.

At least there's still the DIY method with a raspberry pi and a 3d printed (or etsy) NES clone case.

I wonder if they're going to do the same with the NES controllers since they're usable on the Wii, WiiU, and Switch?
"Throughout April, NOA territories will receive the last shipments of Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition systems for this year." Perhaps it is not being discontinued after all?

The NES Classic edition is an emulator, just designed to only handle 20 ROMs with a nice front end. Hackers have been able to improve that though.
Actually, I think it was discontinued because hackers soon modified it into what everyone initially expected it to be; a new machine that can play every NES game in existence. However, because hackers implemented this instead of Nintendo, the entire library of NES games, became completely free on it. That must have angered Nintendo's software partners who probably asked Nintendo to shut-down the whole project for helping to make piracy, of these games, much more convenient.

I suppose that if Nintendo had just designed the thing as we all had initially expected, they might have been able to prevent the widespread piracy. However, I don't really know how much that would have affected the price of the device.
The goal of the device was probably just to get attention to old games in the first place, and now that Nintendo is (again) releasing their own emulator service for those games, the console can be shut down as it has already achieved its purpose.
If you didn't know already, this news is old.
Gamers have hoarded the platform, bought thousands of them, and are selling for 2-3x the upsale price.

That 20 title is arbitrary. This unit is completely and safely hack able, and you can flash write every ROM ever made on this bad boy.
Let's be honest here, the switch VC coming out combined with piracy on the classic is probably what killed it. They can't make developers mad with piracy and they don't want to cannibalize VC sales.

no need , get any used NES from the market . and use SD card Cartridge and you can put all the Roms in just cheap 4G SD card.


Thus the 'Hackers have been able to improve that though.' comment. :)
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