I think msot people alreayd assumed the 2025 release date when Pokemon z-a was announced ot be 2025.
Nintendo ALWAYS launches new console w/ launch title of one of the big three IP's (zelda, mario, or pokemon)
Zeldas too soon for a new one since totk, Mario is focusing on remakes/masters (luigi mansion2, pm 1kyd, & mario vs dk) in 2024, and pokemon was announced for 2025.
It's sad to see the biggest IP in the gaming industry subjected to hardware that's 12 years old hardware at release, nevermind the fact that it has to last 7 years. They will be reliant on DLSS to save face, and of course that looks horrible compared to native.
Nintendo has never pushed bleeding edge (well not since N64) graphics as they, unlike sony & ms, don't have to.
Nintendo knows its place & its users are fine with it mostly.
Would we want better? sure. do we need it to be great? no. Considering the specs of switch how good the games are is impressive.
Most of switch games look and run fine w/ a few outliers & stuff like Pokemon vi/sc was likely more to do with rushed development.
You don't play Nintendo games for best visuals. You play em for the fun gameplay and most again play extremely well.
My only desire (apart from a more modern spec which we can always expect) is joycon update w/ better joysticks.
and rumors were mainly on the cpu ( custom nvidia T239 ) and gpu was never really known just entirely assumed w/o much grounds. (only based on ampere but no performance related stuff minus using dlss)