dstarr3 :
alidan :
It's weird that the Wii U isn't doing better. It's the only console with the good exclusives. PS4 has Bloodborne, and... the rest of the good exclusives are on the Wii.
for raceing you have gt on ps4 and forza on bone, but thats about as far as i can think for good exclusives sans bloodborne
on nintendo, you have their entire catalogue of first party, which at least as far as fun goes i give it to them...
and anything multiplatform, no reason not to get it on pc because as long as the port isn't screwed up, the experience is better.
The problem with Forza and Gran Turismo is that PC has so many much better racing games.
with granturismo, and the newest one i played was 5, yea i have to agree,
with forza, i don't, not at all, as almost any sim game refuses to respect my time. oh no, my brother decided to be a dick and crank the wheel in a different direction, there goes potentially hours of my time in other racing games because they refuse to implement a rewind mechanic due to the fan base for them calling for blood if they even think of implementing it. in recent years, i have hated how arcade racers went open world, but have loved how the sim side hasn't, ill never be good enough to play a sim without assists, and i don't want to waste my time redoing a race every 3-4 minutes because i messed up enough to just restart.
in this way forza is the best racing game currently out, at least in my eyes.