No display and for a while no power to mouse and keyboard


Sep 7, 2013
Hi all,

I'm afraid my motherboard might have died, but I'd like to know if there is anything I haven't tried yet thatmight fix it. First things first, the system is as follows:

Motherboard: p8p67LE
CPU: i7
GPU: GTX 660
PSU: Corsair CX500
RAM: 2 x 4Gb from Corsair

I'll try to give a timeline for what has been going on, what I tried and what results it yielded. My old GPU died (artifacting and crashing) so last wednesday I got myself this new GTX. A day after installation my screen froze and I had to force shutdown. When I turned it on again it got no signal to the monitor. It seemed like it was in hibernation or sleep. I don't know if the mouse and keyboard got power then. I forced shutdown again and replaced the power cable for my GPU, since I knew of another similar case where this fixed the problem.

Sure enough the computer booted fine. The next day however I left my computer on while leaving the house. When I came back, the computer seemed to be asleep and I was unable to wake it up. If I recall all fans were spinning and the components were lit. A forced restart resolved the issue however and I checked my power settings. All forms of sleep and hibernation were turned off though.

Today when I tried to turn it on, it went straight to the sleep like mode. There was no power to the mouse and keyboard and no signal to the monitor. I tried swapping the power supply to the GPU again to no avail. I tried using another monitor, which acted the same. I also tried removing the RAM and booting without it. Stangely enough, it gave the same single tone without any RAM installed.

After this I tried booting with just one stick. This resulted the mouse and keyboard lighting up again, but still no signal to the monitor. I tried my old GPU, to see if maybe the new one was just completely dead, but it acted in the exact same matter. To make sure it wasn't the slot. I tried my new GPU in the other slot on the motherboard, but no luck.

Finally I tried resetting the BIOS both with just the jumper and a combination of jumper and battery removal. Still no dice. Is there anything else I could try, or am I just going to have to buy a new motherboard? I hope you guys can help. If you need any more info, let me know!

What puzzles me most is that even without any RAM, I still get that single beep from the motherboard that you normally hear on startup. The red LED does turn on though. Isn't the board supposed to give me an audio message that the RAM is missing?

2nd edit:
Disregard anything I said about beep codes. I though my motherboard had a built in speaker, but it does not. I must have mistaken some mechanical startup sound for the single beep on succesful POST.

I tested it with another RAM stick I know is fine, but still no luck. This PSU is from last february, so it feels unlikely that it already died. Would everything even spin/light up if it's the PSU? If you really think that is it, I will try to get one of those tester units.