It's my first build in over 10yrs. So I'm extra rusty.
Using an A STOCK 960 M with an AMD FX 4 core processor and a Raedeon HD 5830. Recently I've reseated the processor, psu, and moved the RAM from the closest socket to the furthest. When powered on all fans work. (There's four of we count the cpu fan) The machine comes on but there is no display. The monitor says there is no connection. The gpu fan runs but there are no lights to speak of. I don't have access to a voltage meter. What next steps do I take to address the problem?
Using an A STOCK 960 M with an AMD FX 4 core processor and a Raedeon HD 5830. Recently I've reseated the processor, psu, and moved the RAM from the closest socket to the furthest. When powered on all fans work. (There's four of we count the cpu fan) The machine comes on but there is no display. The monitor says there is no connection. The gpu fan runs but there are no lights to speak of. I don't have access to a voltage meter. What next steps do I take to address the problem?