Question No Display from TV thru HDMI on startup and doesn't show BIOS neither

Jan 31, 2025
Hello, first time poster here, am having a bit of an issue. As the title states when I start up my PC my TV doesn't seem to pick up any type of signal anymore thru HDMI connection, seemingly out of nowhere. I don't have an actual monitor and use a TV and have used it for years and the TV still works just fine because I got a "Frankenstein" computer I put together to work thru it (although the Frankenstein PC also has died on me, I'm guessing bc of PSU, it was somewhat old anyways so wasn't expecting much). So I know it's not the TV itself giving me issues. Here's where I'm going to give more info on my specific case with my PC issues and what I've done tho. So I know it's not that I don't have on the wrong input "channel" bc I've tried multiple inputs and multiple HDMI ports on my TV and also have tried using multiple TVs in our house as well, as well as multiple different HDMI cables, while also flipping the cable ends too (bc have seen that that may have a factor in things but never had that affect me personally) and still no display every time. It was working just fine a couple of days ago when it first happened and didnt show/have any type of errors or anything (I also have to mention that the previous month I had had some issues with it BSoD alot, like multiple times a day, sometimes even hourly but had gotten that issue "fixed"/taken care of with a fresh reinstall of Windows bc my files had gotten corrupted from all the system crashes and my buddy had some RAM sticks for me to use until I'm able to afford new parts, which seemed to get me back up and running, but will explain that more in depth if need be if this posts picks up any traction, for now am trying to explain my immediate problem without it getting too wordy bc it's already getting there lol). But as I said it was working just fine a couple days ago and had been using it for about a week or so after the aforementioned "fixes" I described without any BSoD issues or anything and had used it that same day prior to it happening. I powered it off thru the start menu to go take a shower and when I came back and powered it back on that's when I started getting the "No Display" from my TV. I didn't even do anything and it just seemingly out of nowhere started doing this to me and is really frustrating and I don't know what it could be. As I said I don't think it's my TV or HDMI cable bc they both worked on Frankenstein just fine, it had to be something with my "main" PC. Also I haven't mentioned other than the title it won't even show me the first BIOs screen thing when you first power it on, where it says to push the button to enter BIOs so I can't even see the BIOs, it's just always No Display. So my friends think it could be related to my motherboard, which is why I'm posting it here. Thing is, is i haven't had my parts I currently have installed in my PC for two years yet (like a year and a half I've had them in) so I don't see my parts I JUST bought failing on me already, and had gotten a "new"/in the box but the box had been opened by the previous owner MOBO from another one of my buddies (ROG Strix X570-E Gaming MOBO, not new by today's standards but neww to me and I don't think it had been used when my buddy got it from them from a job he did for them), so that MAY be the only culprit I'm guessing because idk EXACTLY how long that owner had had it/how much use/etc but it didn't seem like it had been used at all, but also my buddy had had it for a couple/few years before he gave it to me so idk. Question is, is there anything I can do to try to temporarily or even actually fix this until I'm able to afford to get new parts? I'm really not wanting to have to get new parts but is probably going to be inevitable ajd wanted to see if there was anything could be done. All of my parts power on when I turn on my PC and everything, it just says No Display no matter what input channel I have it on or what cord I use/etc and I can't even see the initial "push button to enter BIOS" screen neither.

Here's some parts/specs: ROG Strix X570-E Gaming Motherboard (also forgot to mention haven't messed with or changed out the CPU that came with it)
GameMax 1050W RGB Power Supply Unit, 80 Plus Gold
GeForce RTX 3060 12GB GPU
Samsung 990 Pro with Heatsink SSD 2TB
Ripjaws V G Skill DDR4 16G x2 RAM (my original build RAM before the BSoD errors)
Vengeance LPX DDR4 8G x2 RAM (the ones my buddy let me use after the Windows 10 reinstall, totally removing the Ripjaws ones)
Also 3 Hard Drives that am going to mention, 2 TB ones and one 500G, didn't think it really mattered as much to mention but figured I would anyways

And I think that's about it for the parts rundown. My buddies believe that it's probably related to my MOBO since it won't even show the BIOS but and probably am going to have to get a new one, but wanted to get more opinions on it or see if there were any other options I could do to try to see what's wrong before I go any further. I can't afford to get a new MOBO or any parts currently anyways but was seeing if there was anything I could do in the meantime. Thanks ahead of time and am hoping I hear something from somebody and will try to detail best I can anything else that may need to be known
That's... a lot of info there, and it's kind of hard to pick out what issues you're really trying to solve and what the causes may be. (IOW, I'm not at all clear from your slightly rambling tale just what's changed in your setup recently and why. Obviously, any hardware changes CAN result in behavioral changes, and while the usual advice is, "Undo the changes", if that's not an option then here we are.)

Here's what I'd suggest, if you think the system is successfully booting to Windows. (You can usually tell by watching the disk activity light, a boot that hangs tends to look different than one that loads the OS.)
  1. Shut the system down completely
  2. Disconnect the HDMI cable
  3. Start it up with no screen connected
  4. WAIT until the disk activity dies down and it seems to be booted into the Windows login screen (or desktop if you have it using auto-login)
  5. Make sure the TV is on and set to the correct input, w/the HDMI cable connected
  6. Plug the other end of the HDMI cable into the PC.
At that point, Windows should detect the newly-connected monitor and auto-configure/enable it after a few seconds.

Don't worry about the BIOS boot screen, don't worry about reboots at all, first just focus on getting Windows to come up on the screen. Everything else can be dealt with after.
Hey, thanks for the reply, sorry for all the info dump, was just trying to get out everything that had been happening and what had lead up to my current issue of the No Signal/Display thing, which is the current problem I'm having. My PC was working just fine overall and had used it JUST prior to all of that happening, like 15 minutes before it happened. All I did was power it down thru the start menu and came back and it was giving me the No Signal screen thru my TV, I didn't mess with anything physically on my PC nor have any errors or anything popping up prior to that shutdown.

I'm not sure exactly where my actual disk activity light is located but everything else seems to be working just fine on my PC/nothing out of order. I have tried the suggestion you had said to do but the same thing is happening, it just says No Signal. I flipped thru all my inputs on the TV as well to make sure of that too and still the same.
I have tried the suggestion you had said to do but the same thing is happening, it just says No Signal. I flipped thru all my inputs on the TV as well to make sure of that too and still the same.

Hm. Well, if you've eliminated a bad HDMI cable and a bad TV port as possibilities (by trying other options), the most likely remaining one seems to be a bad HDMI port on the PC. If the computer is able to successfully detect the presence of a screen connected to one of its ports, it should activate it automatically. If that's not happening, it would seem to indicate that it's not sensing the presence of that display — though it'd be a lot easier to confirm that if you had any other display device you could connect to the PC, to confirm that it's capable of driving a connected screen at all.

It's not impossible that it could be some sort of misconfiguration (the more options the machine's BIOS/UEFI setup interface has, the more likely it would give you enough rope to hang yourself this way), but usually they make it pretty difficult to accidentally disable graphics outputs without some sort of fallback/recovery mode kicking in to prevent situations exactly like the one you're experiencing... so it seems likely to be some sort of hardware issue, somewhere. Unfortunately.

(Though that doesn't necessarily mean that something is damaged, it could just be a matter of a poorly-seated connector somewhere. I've spent more hours of my life fighting weird problems that turned out to be a card I didn't have fully seated in its slot, or a cable left juuuust far enough from being fully-inserted to cause a flaky connection... Every time, the "fix" was simply to tear everything down to the individual components (within reason, like I wouldn't risk unseating the CPU unless that was the part that wasn't functioning), then reassemble it all again extra-carefully, starting with the part that's giving me trouble. And possibly testing at multiple points along the way, to ensure that not only did that part work in isolation, before connecting any unrelated components... but that it continued to work as I reattached the other bits as well.)