Question No display or keyboard on first boot

Apr 10, 2022
Just put together my first build I've ever done and running into some issues. When I go to boot up it powers on, lights work and fans spin, GPU lights up, case buttons LED lights up, but I have no display or keyboard. Motherboard does one quick beep, which should mean everything is ok ? No error lights on Mobo.

Case: Corsair 4000x

Mobo: Asus prime z690p

Gigabyte vision 3070ti

Oloy ddr5 RAM

Corsair capelix aio

Intel i7-12700k

corsair 750w bronze psu

Things I have tried :
Reseated ram multiple times in different slots. Also tried booting with just 1 stick. RGB on ram is active so I would assume its seated correctly.
Reset CMOS
Tried different HDMI cables and in different monitors
Also tried running display on GPU and then on Mobo
Double checked all connections
Tried letting it run for a few minutes but still nothing happens
Checked CPU socket for bent pins
Discovered I can charge my phone on both front and rear usb ports but keyboard and mouse wont work. Same keyboard works on my other pc.
Can't find a way to try flashing the bios, manual says I have to actually get into bios to update it

Not sure what to do next. Any ideas? I've gone through almost everything in the stickied checklist post


Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

Is your system breadboarded?

Corsair is the brand of the unit, while 750W is the advertised wattage, mind sharing the model of the unit? A side note, what is the unit's age(if it's recycled)? If you're working with a dual channel ram kit, populate slots A2 and B2. As for your ram, got a link to said ram kit? As for your AIO, try making a 45 Deg anti clockwise rotation on each screw for the AIO's mounting. Too tight a mount can sometimes prevent a system power up.

Can't find a way to try flashing the bios, manual says I have to actually get into bios to update it
If you look into your manual, chapter 3.4 CrashFree BIOS 3, page 3-4, you should be able to flash the BIOS with the latest version, provided the BIOS is corrupt.
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Hey thanks for the response. The PSU is a corsair CX750F, brand new. Tried the ram in A2 and B2, and also every other slot. Here's the ram I'm using,aps,101&sr=8-2

Loosened the AIO pump, didn't work. Sorry, I don't know what you mean by breadboarded.
Since you didn't mention drives, are there any attached? Are you trying to boot a drive from your old computer? If there are any drives attached, what happens if you detach them? Do you have a bootable usb like the windows installer or a linux live distro that you could try booting? Also are the 2 connectors for the AIO properly connect to the fan and pump connectors on the motherboard?
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