[SOLVED] No Internet - Despite all moden and router cables on


May 31, 2016
View: https://imgur.com/a/ZG20AMS

This is a follow up to my previous question.

After the monitor has been successfully plugged in, the computer for some reason was completely unable to connect to the internet. It was not a warning symbol, it was simply a red X, even if all lines are properly plugged and all lights on the router and modem are on. The modem and the router appear to be perfectly functional, and the blue cable is properly connected to the internet.

The router also creates a wifi connection, but I can use it on phone. It is as if the modem/router does not want to have anything to do with the computer. I did not toggle any settings or cables, plugging/unplugging/starting the devices are fruitless.

Help again! (Sorry for bothering)
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Yes there is.
I solved it.

The way I used is

Open CMD in administrator rights

Insert net localgroup Administrators /add networkservice, then click enter
Insert net localgroup Administrators /add localservice, then click enter

Restart the PC


Thanks for your help!!
check the Ethernet port light on the back of the pc, make sure it blinking
It is blinking, but it also displays "The dependency service or group failed to start." If I looked at the services, the WWAN Auto Config is set to manual and I cannot activate it Manually. Setting it to Auto, applying, confirming then restating has no effect.