'No Man's Sky' Reaches New Heights After Massive NEXT Update

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Jul 31, 2018
That's the problem with social communism regulating businesses out of business. Nothing creates competition BUT free markets.
Why would anyone risk becoming an ISP in New York now? Too much risk.
You cannot have it both ways.
In fact, now I bet other ISPs leave New York.
Oh, and good luck getting a government to create an ISP. Ha ha ha ha.
Socialistic Communism FAIL!
That's the problem with cookies.
Nothing creates great tasting cookies but chocolate and pecans.
Why would anyone risk creating a non-chocolate flavor of cookie? Too much risk.
You cannot have it both ways.
In fact, now I bet other bakers leave the oatmeal raisin business.
Oh, and good luck getting a baker to create a spearmint flavored cookie. Ha ha ha ha.
Spearmint Cookie FAIL!

At least my random political ramblings involve cookies and pecans.
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