No post or video, new motherboard


May 14, 2012

A couple of weeks back my newish build become unresponsive. When I attempted to reboot I got nothing but lights and fans spinning.

My MB had onboard video so I thought maybe that was the problem. Went out and bought a cheap video card and everything seemed fine.

2 weeks later same thing lights and fans no post and no video. Got and RMA for the MB after tearing everything apart and putting back together bread board style with no luck.

New mother board arrives and still nothing. It is currently set up bread board style. I do get a set of 3 beeps if I remove the memory. But I am at a loss.

It is an ECSA780M-M2 mother board with an athlon II X3.

Any help is greatly appreciated
remove any additional peripherals including hard disk. the only thing you need to post are CPU, Ram, and video. use the onboard video if possible. I know you already replaced the MB, so if it still doesnt post you will need to try replacing the ram or cpu.

All peripherals are disconnected, if I don't get the 3 beeps when memory is installed what are the chances it is still the memory? I guess what I am asking is what would you try and replace first?