[SOLVED] No power to pc home, but works in shop?

Jan 25, 2019
Hi all, bit of a nightmare situation but I’m really stuck at this point .

So after a few weeks of not being used, I try to power up my pc. It doesn’t power on. I try various things, cleaning inside the case, resitting all the cables, changing the cmos battery, etc.... I try powering the pc on with everything unplugged in an attempt to single out an issue with a specific component. No luck!

I take it into the shop, he tinkers with it and seemingly fixes it. (but was reluctant to tell me what he did) He powers it up and it works. However, I when get home my pc doesn’t work. I plug it in, no power what so ever. What it strange is that the next day, I gave it a try and it powered up just fine! I switched it off happy, come back to use my pc later and it doesn’t switch on again. Back to square one!

The next week, I take it back into the shop, he fires it up no problem again. This makes me think that either my cable isn’t working or my sockets are dodgy. So I get new cables with new fuses and also try the pc at a different house, still no luck!

As a further check I take it to a different pc shop, who fires it up no problems. He checked my PSU, no problems there. He couldn’t really suggest what to do.

At this point i’m at a loss. Frustrating as hell! If anyone can help then it this then It would greatly be appreciated!


Hi jankerson,

Sorry I don’t follow what you mean? Do you refer to the switch on the psu, or do you refer to something else?

There is a switch on the psu at the back. In the shop, they plug in the cable, flick the psu switch to on, then press the power button on the front of the case. It works for them but I do the same thing at home and nothing!

They say the psu is fine but my gut tells me there is some kind of intermittent fault with it

Just get a new PSU, there is something wrong with it.
Why does it work in shop though? It also passed their PSU test which is odd. I shall a new psu but I don’t want keep throwing money at something two different shops are telling me is fine!

Hi. strange one but I powered it on this morning and it seems to be working fine. It’s infuriating to be honest, I’m worried the issue will crop up again at some point. For now I’m going to keep it running for this morning and try switching back on/off later and seeing it shut downs correctly.

Computer spec are as followed:

Intel core i7-3770 CPU 3.4GHz
Nvidia GeForce GT 650 TI
16GB Ram

The PSU is a pentlum p4 model PC-750AUBA-M

I have noted that it says intel HD graphics card 4000 error code 22. I will investigate this later as I might be linked to do my problem you never know.

Cheers guys
Code 22 means the device in question is disabled in Device Manager --- may have been disabled manually or automatically by the OS because of insufficient system resources. However, since you are (I assume) using the GT 650 Ti, the Intel HD graphics would need to be disabled anyway -- so you can ignore that Code 22 error. It's just stating a fact --not a problem as such.

Sorry for the slow reply. Thanks for clearing that up! PC is still running fine. Still a mystery!

Cheers everyone for all your comments!