no signal monitor while gaming


Jun 1, 2015
I am having a small issue when running games through stream such as chivalry and CS:GO in which my TV signal would black out however the rest of the computer is running.I believe it may be an issue with the type of monitor that I am using at this time which is a HDTV .Another possible problem be the temperature of the gpu which reaches up to 85 degrees when running these games .

CPU-FX8350 Eight Core 4Ghz Processor with 4.2GHz Turbo Clocking Speeds
RAM-8GB DDR3 1600Mhz RAM
Motherboard-GIGABYTE 78LMT-USB3 uATX Motherboard
PSU-XFX Pro Series 650W 80+ Bronze 120mm Fan Power Supply Unit
The PC is a new build and the issue has always been present and for the second answer I have tried to set the res to match the supported tv settings and the same thing has happened .Recently I have found in the error log of the event "Kerbal Power event 91" would this be caused by an overheating of the gpu or by a faulty psu cheers for the responses
all you can do is monitor things and see -- if a new build I would guess you goofed he cpu cooler and maybe you will need to reset it - getting the right amount of thermal paste goes a long way too much or too little cam make ya or break ya .. a stock amd cooler that uses the latch is kinda goof proof as far as the tightness of the fit to the chip but a bolt on aftermarket can come down to a experienced touch [too loose -too tight -just right ]
cheers for the advice for the time I decided to send it back to the company which helped me to build the PC to see if they can find the problem with the product will get back to you with an update on the situation