No Surprise Here: Activision Working on Walking Dead FPS

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Lets see a 49.99 game with tons of 12.99 dlc's with fewer than a handful good maps, then is no thx. Its after all a game published by Mr.Kontiks company, you know the one who ruined Blizzard!
I know people might get upset for this but cmon, the game will be horrible.

Knowing activision it will be just another fast paced shoot 10000 zombies as fast as you can. New dlc packs containing 1-2 maps and a new gun every few months.

I feel sorry for people who get hyped about these kind of news, all you going to get is bad game with bad mechanics aimed for casual audience.

single player...

if you want a good zombie apocalypse survival experience, there should be multiplayer co-op campaign...

it seems like the main campaign is done with AI co-op which in my experience it's hit or miss...MOSTLY miss...
Zombie FPS games tend to be dull unless there is some sort of twist to it. At-least that is the case when it comes to single player games. Sadly what we are likely going to see here is no actual struggles to survive but more than likely a linear path of just walking shoot zombies and maybe some other people. I highly doubt this game under Activision. The management of food for example is likely just managing healing/first aid kits.

What a real zombie apocalypse game should be is a game with no end until your death. Having to deal with hunger, illness, needing to sleep, bandits, and random encounters which can be beneficial or not. If the game is single player only any character should be able to die at anytime without ending the game with the exception of yourself of course. If multi-player the game continues on until all players are dead. Randomly generated lands should be created if a player attempts to explore outside what the devs have made, making the game endless exploration. There should be more than this but I think these are the bare minimum features basically any apocalypse survival game should have.
[citation][nom]JDW_SWB[/nom]Think I'll stick with DayZ.[/citation]

Ah, good game, or I mean mod. As if the zombies weren't frightening enough, you also have human players. I recall someone running me over with a jeep playing the Yakety Sax through the "direct communication" at night.

I also recall finding a Lee Enfield and being excited about it. Then, something like this happened:
Dear Activision-blizzard,

Please leave zombie genre alone and stick with your dead beat horse call of duty. You are only going to continue to saturate the gaming market with half ass products unless you return to your pre 2000 era where you actually thrived to please people in other words us the gamers (customers) by making good games instead of current attitude where you thrive to please your clueless stockholders and marketing teams.

Dro King
at least give us decisions to make and throw in some rpg elements...just don't create a straight up shooter...that's boring, yo! 😛
If you want a zombie game, look into ARMA 2 and find the Zombie Mod. You have to find food and water. You can bleed out if you don't attend to wounds. If you're hurt you'll have difficulty aiming if you don't use pain meds. Make too much noise and zombies swarm to you. Also it's very cut-throat, some people team up while others may use you as zombie bait. And best of all, it's available now...
It's getting boring with this zombie stuff, it was great before, but now can we have something else?

Anyone want's a fun game needs to check out Flying WildHog's Hard Reset, developed for the PC, this game kicks ass. No more taking cover, just pure shooting like the Quake days. It's set in the year 2436 so it's futuristic and yet has a touch of steam punk architecture which for some may remind them of Bioshock.
why for the love of GOD AMC why give the deal to Activision/terminal Reality.....

!. i hate actrivision they are dirty greedy bastards taht destroyed IW just to save themselves casha dn screw IW's founders out of it . 2 for all that terminal reality has done that was good they also got about 10 bad games to ever single good game.

I love the walking dead and i love zombie shooters but i think i'l have to wait on the verdict here before jumping in.
FPS isn't the type of genre I think of when I hear TWD. I've read the comic and currently watching the show and it's well known that TWD isn't about killing zombies but about character development. A good genre for this series would be some sort of open world RPG that heavily revolves around the survival of you the player and your party. Kind of like DayZ but with the ability to recruit companions (much like Fallout where you venture into the world and can recruit people to join you).
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