I would like to get either Panda Security for Business or ESET NOD32 Business
Before I buy it I have a few queries regarding these specific products that are not mentined in their sites:
1. Are they compatible with MS Windows 2008 Server Standard 32/64bit
2. Will they be able to scan all incoming mails from Outlook, Outlook Express (POP3 / SMTP account, Not from Exchange server) on a Windows XP PRO client workstation?
Thanks in advance
I would like to get either Panda Security for Business or ESET NOD32 Business
Before I buy it I have a few queries regarding these specific products that are not mentined in their sites:
1. Are they compatible with MS Windows 2008 Server Standard 32/64bit
2. Will they be able to scan all incoming mails from Outlook, Outlook Express (POP3 / SMTP account, Not from Exchange server) on a Windows XP PRO client workstation?
Thanks in advance