hello after months of struggling with the issue i found fix in this this thread from same site :I think I might have a workaround (I wouldn’t call it a solution). The problem lies deeper and its over my head but until someone provides a proper solution this workaround will hopefully do the trick for some of us experiencing audio crackling/popping while gaming and YouTube desync – while surfing on the internet. (Windows 10 and Realtek onboard audio)
Like many of you I tried similar things such as reinstalling drivers, etc. I also tested my RAM with MemTest86 (24 hours test with no errors). I thought that the problem is that my computer is overclocked (CPU, GPU and RAM), but I was experiencing this issue even on stock/default settings.
Anyway, I was thinking why is that, that after a reboot is the audio fine and after a shutdown is the audio messed up. So, I looked into the Windows power options and tried to disable the Fast Startup feature (Windows 10).
The thing is - when Fast Startup is enabled, your computer doesn’t perform a regular shut down (it is more like a hibernation or sleep mode). I assume that the sleep/hibernation mode is part of the problem - at least for me.
If you are not familiar with the „Fast Startup” feature and you don’t know how to disable it, here is an article which describes it all.
Nevertheless, with that feature disabled the audio crackling/popping YouTube desync issue has disappeared. (no need for a reboot anymore).
As regards the boot time - I don’t see any difference with or without the Fast Startup feature enabled (my system is on SSD).
In order to test it - I have been using it (Fast Startup disabled) for about 3 days and since than I haven’t had any audio issue what so ever -well, until today.
What happened is - my PC is set to enter into the Sleep mode after 50 minutes of inactivity and when it wakes up the annoying issue is back. (I suspected that my RAM might be faulty but as I said 24 hours MemTest86 with no errors). That is why I do think that the Sleep mode is part of the issue - but I do not know why is that or how is that possible - I’m not an IT expert.
The “workaround” (so far and works for me) is:
1. Fast Startup disabled (this feature is hidden under the Windows 10 power options control panel).
2. Set computer to never sleep (power options control panel). - which I don’t like but yeah that´s how it is.
(This may help you if your audio issues disappear after a reboot, if you are experiencing any sort of audio issues after a reboot this workaround won´t be most probably useful to you)
I hope this will be helpful to some of you. However, this is not a proper solution and I strongly believe that - I do not know who (Microsoft, Nvidia, Realtek, or just someone clever) will come up with the fix asap.
ty very much hope help someone else
