Noise when CPU in use


Oct 29, 2002
I have a NF7-S rev2 and a Athlonxp-M

soundstorm of course. When the CPU is in use, i get this noise in my sound, not really static like random noise, but its more like a stready hum or whine. Also get it when I move my mouse, for every pixel it changes theres a tiny "tick"

anyone ever had this before? IRQ's maybe?

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I once had the hum noise. It's gone after I cleaned the computer thoroughly, reconfigured the BIOS and reinstalled the Windows. Truthfully I still don't know the cause.

Btw, your signature link doesn't contain any virus right? I clicked it and it's quite 'idiot'. ^^
It sounds like static. Check wire routing. See if the cdrom cable goes near the chip, or gpu. If you are using a front panel mount sound system, check the leads for that as well. Keep all sound wires well away from the monitor cable.
my gigabyte ga-7va realtek onboard sound makes a hum if the plug isn't just right. for some reason the jack is just a touch to big. if I don't have the plug in just right the sound is terrible, I get a hum if the volume is up to high and I get clicks also. don't have that problem when I got my soundblaster live 5.1 installed, that jack is the right size. the speaker system I'm using is a yamaha 2.1. and it does alright. I don't think it's the plug. I'm not altogether too impressed with this gigabyte via board. it seems fairly stable, but they sold it saying it is a good OC mobo. comes with the easy tune OC software. not sure what for, can't OC this thing for squat.

next time it'll be a homemade build, with a nforce board. first one was a HP pavillion. no more of that. next one was a pre-built from a smaller shop. much, much better than the HP but still room for improvement. oh well, you live, you learn
Btw, your signature link doesn't contain any virus right? I clicked it and it's quite 'idiot'. ^^

hey, you clicked it ^__^

still havent found out what it is. what worries me is that my southbridge is RIGHT BEHIND the heatsink for my video card, a 9800pro with a big-ass Vga Silencer. i hope that isnt whats causing the noise

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i think its a different kind of hum. its coming from within the pc itself.. its not physical.

anyone got any ideas?

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Its not just the mouse, also moving windows around and anything that uses CPU causes it.. its weird , hard to describe

Nights: started like a week ago, no changes made.

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although I don't quite get the image of your "noise", but back to a few month ago, when I first purchased an Asus A7N8X-X, the board would produced some weird noise when system is IDLED, when cpu is in use, it won't do any noise (opposite to yours), the noise really killed my mind, so I returned it after 3 days of purchasing, and got a Gigabyte GA-7N400L
now the Gigabyte board did the opposite thing, when system is idle, everything is cool, but as soon as i started a program which uses CPU (Winamp playing mp3 for example), the board would produced some weird noise similar to the one compare to the A7N8X-X I got, but this one is much more tolerable as most of time, my pc won't do much intense thing

Finally I sold the Giga board to someone else, and then got an Abit NF7, the system is rock and solid and NO MORE noise at all

what makes me believe it's the board is because every parts are the same, I simply moved all my pieces (HD, video, sound card etc ..) from a KT333, to A7N8X-X, GA-7N400L, then NF7

maybe you could try reinstall windows and clean everything like the guy before mentionned, if it doesn't help, try another board if you can
sorry, not able to help much..
When you hear this noise, is it so high pitched that you have to really listen hard sometimes to convince yourself that your hearing it? That may sound like im joking around, but im being serious. I had an issue similar, but it was not so much of a hum as it was really high pitched. Almost out of our abilty to detect that sound. If this rings a bell, let me know and I will tell you the steps that I took to isolate it.
Go to and go to their formums. I remember reading something about static noise from the NF7 family.

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thanks alot guys, Ill try all these thign when i get home! much apprecaited

mozz: no im not just letting myself get irritated, making it stand out more.. its SERIOUSLY interfering with some things i do with my pc, including voice chat.
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I may have come across wrong in my last post. Here is what I was getting at. I had a noise in my last computer for about 3 months. It took at least 1 month for me to convince myself that I was actually hearing something strange. It took me another month of letting different people listen to it before I realized that the pitch was so weird that not everyone could hear it. I spent hour after hour trying to isolate the sound. It was one of my HD's. I have had HD's go bad plenty of times, but I have never heard one make that sound. I used a stethoscope "Probably not the correct spelling" that is made to find exhaust leaks on vehicle engines. It has a long metal rod at the end instead of the one that a doctor uses. You can probably find the location of the sound with one of these. Any car parts store will most likely have one and they dont cost much so its worth picking one up.