[citation][nom]caedenv[/nom]while wireless charging is a nice perk (I mean... wireless cloud data transfers + wireless charging... pretty much never have to soil the phone with a cable), it is not the reason most people will buy it. It will be bought because it looks awesome, has a nearly complete package (minus 1 point for lack of SD card support), gets acceptable battery life, has an OS that people want, and because people WANT Nokia to succeed.[/citation]
I very much agree here.
Microsoft and Nokia (and HTC for that matter) need to produce the best hardware they can. They need bleeding edge phones, need to lead in this area, not follow. I firmly believe (while not ignoring that Android is better than iOS and there are many people who refuse to buy Apple no matter how good the product is) that one of Windows phones' biggest problems in getting people to buy them is that the phones haven't stood out, they haven't been something to go "Wow!" over.
I think the Nokia 920 is a very good step in that direction, and clearly will beat out the best of other phones in at least the camera area. That being said, personally I would like more of a Note II style phone, and I think Win 8 is more of a full-featured phone OS and can take better advantage of the Note's capabilities than Android.
Haven't entirely made up my mind about getting a 920, it's possible I'll wait and see what comes on down the road, but it's one sweet phone (my friend in the cell phone business uses a Win phone and tells me it's the one to get, of all the phones, not just Windows phones).
Who carries it might make a difference, too. I prefer Verizon, and really am at a loss as to why they don't carry more than one middle-of-the-road HTC right now. Hopefully that also will change.