I wanna get into PC gaming, but I'm in a weird situation. I want an i5 for productivity purposes, but want to limit the price of my actual PC to a little above 700 dollars. While I want to keep the CPU the same, I want to see what changes I can make to the other parts of the PC. A strong graphics card isn't my top priority, and I'm not into modern triple A games. If I was to play a triple A game, I would expect to be able to run at 1080p 60 fps at the cost of a few settings. And if I was to play at 720p (not native resolution of the monitors I'm looking at) I would want it to be much better than the "cinematic" experience on consoles. Then again, my move to PC would be based off my lack of interest in triple A titles rather than getting mlg frames. If I can max out source games in this build, I will be very happy with it. I just need to get a PC at 700 dollars and an i5 that will handle some of my video editing, with gaming as one of my hobbies. Not doing things I'll need an i7 for, and the 16 gigs of ram is also there for editing purposes. Tear away at my build! (Mouse, keyboard, monitor stuff is not what I'm looking for.)