M mayor_quimby_loves_broads Reputable Nov 28, 2015 8 0 4,510 Nov 28, 2015 #1 hey guys. can you crossfire 1) msi r9 380 gaming w 2gb card with 2) mis r9 380 gaming w 4gb? thanks for response
hey guys. can you crossfire 1) msi r9 380 gaming w 2gb card with 2) mis r9 380 gaming w 4gb? thanks for response
Solution Joe Gallo Nov 28, 2015 so what im saying is when ever you crossfire 2 cards the specs of the weaker one pulls the stronger one down.
so what im saying is when ever you crossfire 2 cards the specs of the weaker one pulls the stronger one down.
Joe Gallo Distinguished Nov 26, 2015 130 5 18,715 Nov 28, 2015 #2 yes how ever you will hold back that 4gb on the 380 to only 2 gb. Upvote 0 Downvote
Joe Gallo Distinguished Nov 26, 2015 130 5 18,715 Nov 28, 2015 Solution #3 so what im saying is when ever you crossfire 2 cards the specs of the weaker one pulls the stronger one down. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
so what im saying is when ever you crossfire 2 cards the specs of the weaker one pulls the stronger one down.
M mayor_quimby_loves_broads Reputable Nov 28, 2015 8 0 4,510 Nov 28, 2015 #4 thank you Joe! Upvote 0 Downvote