This is an old PC I'm restoring.
I had to change the mobo's battery and lost all the settings. I'm assuming it restarted in safe defaults.
I'd like to adjust the BIOS settings to normal clock.
So running CPU-Z's bench, with GIGABYTE EasyTune6 open, I noticed the CPU never goes above 2.2 GHZ.
I can reach 2.9 GHz by using the automatic overclocker (CIA2), but I don't want this as I've read it raises voltages way beyond recommended values.
The multiplier oscillates between 6 and 8.5. Never seen it above that even under load. I'm assuming the max multiplier is 11 because CPU-Z shows (6-11) in brackets. Should I adjust it to anything below 2900/266, like 10? NOTE: I don't want to change voltages.
What about the RAM? Should I change its multiplier as well, or will it adjust to the CPU?
TL;DR I'm trying to figure out a safe stock setting, so that the CPU can reach its max stock freq (without overclocking), and if possible a 1:1 FSB:RAM ratio, as I've read that is the best setting.
What should I tune in the BIOS?
I had to change the mobo's battery and lost all the settings. I'm assuming it restarted in safe defaults.
I'd like to adjust the BIOS settings to normal clock.
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E7500 @ 2.93GHz
Package (platform ID) Socket 775 LGA (0x0)
Base frequency (cores) 266.6 MHz
Rated Bus speed 1066.6 MHz
Stock frequency 2933 MHz
Memory: Kingston DDR2 8500
Memory Frequency 400.0 MHz (2:3)
CAS# latency (CL) 5.0
RAS# to CAS# delay (tRCD) 5
RAS# Precharge (tRP) 5
Cycle Time (tRAS) 18
So running CPU-Z's bench, with GIGABYTE EasyTune6 open, I noticed the CPU never goes above 2.2 GHZ.
I can reach 2.9 GHz by using the automatic overclocker (CIA2), but I don't want this as I've read it raises voltages way beyond recommended values.
The multiplier oscillates between 6 and 8.5. Never seen it above that even under load. I'm assuming the max multiplier is 11 because CPU-Z shows (6-11) in brackets. Should I adjust it to anything below 2900/266, like 10? NOTE: I don't want to change voltages.
What about the RAM? Should I change its multiplier as well, or will it adjust to the CPU?
TL;DR I'm trying to figure out a safe stock setting, so that the CPU can reach its max stock freq (without overclocking), and if possible a 1:1 FSB:RAM ratio, as I've read that is the best setting.
What should I tune in the BIOS?