It's important to remember that a bug being widespread, or the bug having large impact on gameplay systems, does not make it intended. A recent example was that Alien: Isolation had completely disabled AI pathing, when a 1 was inadvertently flipped to a 0 in the games configuration. It is entirely possible that many things have been tuned or turned down to limit the processing power needed, because of how unoptimized its current state is. I've heard now from several games outlets that fixing bugs won't fix this game. That patches can't fix the stupid AI, driving physics, near silent NPCs, or teleporting cops. None of that is true, in fact, there may be voice lines for NPCs, or gameplay systems around NPCs, similar to Watch Dogs - that were disabled at the last minute. I've also heard people accuse them of not being able to playtest, when they were fully aware of most of the bugs out there, when the game shipped. Developers don't control release. Somewhere there is a backlog of bugs, long enough to justify 3 months of work, and 2 Patches, and they knew about that, the day the executives decided to ship it.