Not getting expected performance from CPU and GPU


Apr 24, 2016
I built my first decent PC several months ago, with an EVGA GTX 1070 SC, r5 1600, 16 GB RAM etc(full benchmark and specs in the link), and the whole time I've had it, it's been performing much worse than expected.

When playing Fortnite, for example, I get about 130 fps when I've got most settings on medium and low. I did a userbenchmark and Heaven benchmark, and both gave me worse scores than the average PC with my components.

I also tried overclocking my GPU, and I couldn't even get to a 5% boost before I had crashing and artifacts. Is there anything I could do to solve this, or am I just unlucky?

Ryzen performs much better with faster RAM, namely at 1080P gaming if that's what you're looking for. It appears you are running a single 16GB stick as well, cutting your memory bandwidth in half from running in single channel mode. 2400Mhz is on the low side for Ryzen, around 3000 to 3200 is the sweetspot for 1st Gen Ryzen. Also, do you OC your CPU at all? This could boost gaming performance as well.
Ryzen performs much better with faster RAM, namely at 1080P gaming if that's what you're looking for. It appears you are running a single 16GB stick as well, cutting your memory bandwidth in half from running in single channel mode. 2400Mhz is on the low side for Ryzen, around 3000 to 3200 is the sweetspot for 1st Gen Ryzen. Also, do you OC your CPU at all? This could boost gaming performance as well.