Question Not getting gigabit speed on one PC, but the other one is fine, maybe a Windows 11 issue ?


Oct 28, 2014
I don't remember if it's been happening since I installed windows 11 or if it just started happening in the last few months but my speeds on my main pc are fluctuating between 60/80mb/s and causing lag even though my CPU usage is only sitting at about 30% while downloading. My other PC which is worse sits above 90mb/s (can't usually get normal speeds on the weekend because australia) and I'm also not having the any lag on it. Can't really describe the lag but it feels like I'm running a stress test on my CPU and things like videos and just using my pc starts lagging. I've already tried a few things but couldn't find much info on the problem I'm having. I'm also using a 5 port ethernet switch and have tried switching cables but it did nothing, if you need any more specs I'll list them. Also second pc is still running windows 10
Main PC: i7-12700k, 32gb ram and 3080ti


Second PC: i5-12600k, 32gb ram and no gpu



Oct 28, 2014
Alright another thing to add, whenever I start my pc I get a window of about a minute before the speed drops off and my pc starts lagging.

Where are you downloading data from, in the last case it looks like steam. Are you sure it is not just steam being stupid again.

Since you have multiple machines I would try a very old and simple program called IPERF. This is a simple line mode command that transfers data between machines in your house. Because it does not use web browsers or save files it is not affected by much. It pretty much just tests the hardware and the drivers.

The most suspect type of program is exactly the type you show the display from. These type of programs hook in at the driver level and on very high speed connections can slow the connection down. I would try it with the program uninstalled. There are others that come with the bloatware with motherboards and video cards. A common name is cfosspeed. I would also uninstall these. It could also be running multiple of these programs interfere with each other.

In general you should never need a limiter program when you have a gigabit of internet. It is a silly concept in general it means when you are using say a game program that is very sensitive to network delays you run a torrent download a the same time. Rather than not do silly stuff people attempt to them use software like this.
This was more of a thing for someone who had a tiny internet connection say 1mbps DSL connection where even a simple web page load could spike it to 100%.