notebook screen down


May 2, 2002
A friend offered me a NEC Versa SX (notebook). A little old (Pll), but who cares. I know nothing about notebooks NOTHING! Problem is that he, for whatever reason, tried to "clean" the monitor. With alcohol, no less. Weeeell,,,, it got into the back of the monitor. Not a good thing. Now the whole screen looks like it has a water mark on it.
What I am trying to find out is if I can take it apart and "maybe", clean it? Or just get a new monitor? And is it worth the cost of a new monitor?
I am fairly good with desk tops. I have built 2 of my own.
But it seems so different then notebooks to me.
ANY help is appreciated.

peace be with you
The expense of a new screen would not be worth buying a new one and I doubt you could find one anyway. It varies for every laptop but I'm sure there is some way to open it up. I say just start taking it apart and see how far you can get, lol.

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