Nothing Changed In My PC Just Wanna Know....

Aug 26, 2018
Nothing has changed in my PC but shes running a little sluggish and i do wish to toss in another SSD for more storage. Just wondering can i reformat my current SSD and use the same copy of windows 10 that i got when i built the PC? along with the key of course. (no its not an OEM key its a retail key paid the full 150 canadian at the time -.-).Just curious if i will come into issues trying to feed it the same key i used when i built the computer a year or so ago? I mean it shouldnt as all im putting in is a new SSD to go with the old one right?
Yes, just install Windows, skip entering the key code during setup and Windows will activate itself after setup finishes and it connects to the web.
Create a media installation with the latest Windows 10 version from Microsoft website.

No issues at all.
How to do a CLEAN installation of Windows 10

When it asks for the license, Skip.
When it asks where, select Custom. Delete each partition on the drive, leaving one blank space.
Proceed on.

Thanks For the help! Everything went smoothly and its running like brand new again 😀