NT 4.0 Emergency Repair


Jul 23, 2002
as always cant find the emergency repair disk for an NT 4.0 server, needing to create one, and am having no luck. I am using Disk Commander from Winternals to access the hard drive files. Copied the C\winnt\repair folder to floppy, but in the win nt repair process, it doesn't like the files on the disk. Any help greatly appreciated


Mar 25, 2001
1) You mean you're already having a problem and need to access your hard drive with dead WinNT to recover and save data?
In this case you’d better connect your HDD to a good working WinNT machine and read the faulty HDD from there.

If you are sure that there are enough free space left on the HDD, you can try another rough installation of WinNT just to boot and get access.

2) Or you need an ERD to restore the system?

As for the ERD, it won’t help much (even not at all) if it is from another machine or not updated after your latest software/patch installations and system setting changes.

It would be better to boot from the WinNT Installation CD and try to run the R (restore) function when prompted.
Check the box(es) for boot restore and startup restore. These first two options won’t harm your system/programs (if no dual/multiple boot).
Other options probably will, and you might need to reinstall some or all your programs if you answer NO on the question whether you have an ERD.