A great example of why readers need to read carefully what an article says before drawing broad conclusions .... lets say an article covering xx newish or particularly demanding games comes out and says ... well this card did well on the these 13 DX11 titles but the other card did better on 2 of the 3 DX12 titles. Are conclusions drawn that the 2nd card is the better choice today because DX12 "is the future" valid ? or...
Is it possible that one vendor puts it's primary focus initially on the **now** tweaking drivers for the new cards and new DX11 game titles and pushed back DX12 driver development until having achieved their goals w/ DX11 and holding off on DX12 a bit until there were actually more DX12 titles available ?
Would it not be a wise strategy for a competing vendor, realizing its position w/ DX11 to focus on DX12 development so it could gain some headlines and mind share ? In the end it's all about the numbers .. and the numbers are what we can see today. Drawing conclusions about what is gonna happen based upon what we know today is a fruitless endeavor.
Drivers will get better on both sides as time goes on, devs will tweak drivers to get better performance and devs will cheat a bit too optimizing the driver for popular benchmarks. When it gets in a box, gets the latest driver, gets overclocked, then we'll know the performance a card is capable of at that time ... as for what's "gonna happen", Ygritte said it best ..."You know nothing Jon Snow".