Hm... I'll nitpick this, sorry: "DLSS3 doubles the performance". No... Any form of interpolation doesn't increase "performance", it just hides bad/low framerates using the GPU extra room and that's all. I get the idea behind simplifying it, but don't give nVidia's marketing any funny ideas, please. EDIT: No ascii faces; sadge.
As for the reporting itself... Well, nVidia thinks it's better to justify an 80-class at $900 instead of a 70-class, so nothing much to do there. That being said, it would've been nice to actually see a 4070 with 12GB beat the 3090ti for a repeat of the 2080ti memes. Such a missed opportunity, nVidia. For reals.
Looking forward to power numbers as I'm suspecting these 2 SKUs, no matter how nVidia decided to call them, so be quite good performers per power unit (efficient?). Not sure if price-wise they'd be justified, but we'll see. Plus, these are the ones most people (maybe, kinda?) can get xD