Nvidia Branded PC: GeForce PC Kit is for DIY'ers

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Why the high price because 1 they wanna make a profit anyway it's also safety of mind for someone new that all his parts will work together when you put your first system together because isn't it a shitty experience when you need to troubleshoot your first system and you don't know jack shit about troubleshooting and lack extra parts for lazy tests.
[citation][nom]brendano257[/nom]Your total is $340. You forgot the case at ~$40, and optical drive at ~$20, and keyboard/mouse at ~20-30$. That's only 80$ "profit", that's not as outrageous. It's just about half of what you thought it was. Think it thought at first. And newsflash: Companies sell stuff for more they cost to manufacture, this is called a "business."[/citation]

1. I didnt sum it.. They were examples to give a point. Had I summed it your criticism would have been valid, as it stands... no.

2. Newegg prices have profit built in too, obviously. They should be able to get below-market prices for the kits--meaning even more profit.
[citation][nom]deadlockedworld[/nom]This is a mediocre deal. You could build a much better system off for that much off newegg. E5300: $67Ram: $40 est. 9800GT: $85 est. Motherboard: $44PSU $30 est. Cooler $15-20 est. HD-$59Where did $500 come from? they keyboard and mouse?[/citation]
Agree with every thing EXCEPT RAM. DDR2 prices now are ridiculous. A 4GB (2*2GB) is about $60-70 on Newegg,etc now.
[citation][nom]flyinfinni[/nom]Thats a pretty weak PC for today's gaming/DIY types... A 9800GT when they are about to release Fermi.[/citation]
About to *attempt* to release Fermi, you mean. Last I heard it was built using old soviet reactor designs.
Man I spent $380 bucks on a 5850 alone......

I had a machine similar to this 3 years ago though with my 8800gt..... except it had 4 gigs, a custom cooler and an extra drive.... nevermind I cant keep DOWN.....
Wait wait wait!
No OS and no gigabit networking?

The last computer I bought had 8x500GB drives, 2GB RAM, e4400, a $250 raid card, a Silverstone KL-01 case, and a gigabit networking NIC.
Guess what, I paid $500 for it. =)
Too bad my i7 system wouldn't fit comfortably in it, the KL-01 is such a sexy case. =(
"PC Kit is for DIY'ers"
This thing is not a build your own, it's a complete computer minus a OS.
Your better off spending a couple hundred more and build yourself a respectable gaming rig. I prefer Lian Li cases myself and a good power supply is a must otherwise you risk getting anything from random reboots to a blue screen of death. Corsar makes good a PS.
This is perfect for a hackintosh, which I believe was the intent here.
[citation][nom]deadlockedworld[/nom]This is a mediocre deal. You could build a much better system off for that much off newegg. E5300: $67Ram: $40 est. 9800GT: $85 est. Motherboard: $44PSU $30 est. Cooler $15-20 est. HD-$59Where did $500 come from? they keyboard and mouse?[/citation]
Oh grasshopper you have much to learn if you don't know where the additional cost is. It's all in that little Green Nvidia sticker!!!
I'm not impressed, either. A very similar case, the CoolerMaster NV-690, has been available for almost 2 years, and this one's been around for almost a full year. Newegg's been selling the NV-690 since June 2008, and the NV-334 since May 2009.

This is something anyone could piece together on their own with Intel and nVIDIA components in it.
hah this thing sucks donkey balls i mean 9800gt they suck the memory is ok but like every body else said you could build a better system for only a little more
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