Question NVIDIA Control Panel


Mar 30, 2015

Sorry for the Dutch language. I chose 'Let the 3d application decide' in the control panel.


However I also chose turn vsyn on for Elden Ring specifically


Do I need to change it to 'use the 3D graphic settings' in the 1st screen to get these program specific settings to work (vsync in this case) ?
It's extremely confusing to me how it works. For now my guess is as long as I choose to let the 3D application decide, any settings done in the 2nd screen won't come into effect, I'm unsure tho as to why I can still change the settings and they aren't greyed out.
Also, let's say I choose to use the second option being 'use the 3D graphic settings' will all settings I chose in a game be overridden by the NVIDIA choices ?

Sorry for the confusing way of asking but it's this confusing to me as well.

Thanks !
So global settings would control all settings for all games. Program settings is used for using specific settings, for a specific game and would only override global settings if you use the add button and change the selection for that game from global settings to a specific choice for just that specific game.
So global settings would control all settings for all games. Program settings is used for using specific settings, for a specific game and would only override global settings if you use the add button and change the selection for that game from global settings to a specific choice for just that specific game.

Thanks for answering but I get that part.
It's the first screen that is unclear to me.

1st question:
If I choose 'Let the 3D application decide', will it even matter what I choose in the 2nd screen or will all settings just be decided to whatever I choose in game, ignoring whatever I would pick in the 2nd screen.

2nd question:
If I use 'use the advanced 3D image settings', do the settings in the 2nd screen overrule the settings I choose ingame ?
If I choose 'Let the 3D application decide', will it even matter what I choose in the 2nd screen or will all settings just be decided to whatever I choose in game, ignoring whatever I would pick in the 2nd screen.
If I use 'use the advanced 3D image settings', do the settings in the 2nd screen overrule the settings I choose ingame ?
Global settings apply to all games.
Game specific settings overrule global settings.
Global settings apply to all games.
Game specific settings overrule global settings.
Thank you for answering.
I'm sorry if my English is not good enough but that's not my question.

I understand the global and specific game settings, my questions are all on the 1st screen, not on the 2nd screenshot:

Let the 3D application decide VS. Use the advanced 3D image settings.

Let's say I use 'Let the 3D application decide'
Ingame setting Elden Ring VSYNC: ON
Program Settings VSYNC: OFF
Will VSYNC be on in this case or not ?

Let's say I use 'Use the advanced 3D image settings.
Ingame setting Elden Ring VSYNC: ON
Program Settings VSYNC: OFF
Will VSYNC be on in this case or not ?
Driver settings overrule ingame settings.
If you set in Nvidia control panel - let application decide, then ingame settings get used.
If you set in Nvidia control panel - vsync on/vsync off, then ingame settings get ignored.

In Nvidia control panel - global settings apply to all games.
In Nvidia panel - program specific settings apply to specific game. These overrule global settings.

Let's say I use ''Use the advanced 3D image settings.'
Ingame setting Elden Ring VSYNC: ON
Program Settings VSYNC: OFF
Will VSYNC be on in this case or not ?
Ingame settings get ignored, because you set Vsync OFF in Nvidia control panel.
So - you get Vsync OFF.