I think you should re-read what I said. The key point is;Seems like you have no clue whatsoever about manufacturing and supply! If they can have X number available on 29th, why on Earth do you think they'll have the same amount two weeks before that, and have not added to their inventory with two weeks' worth of production? They will have X amount available on 15th, but will have two weeks worth of production to add to that number by 29th, so of course they will have more available, it's obvious to anyone with a brain! I agree that there may not be any real benefit, as they'll probably sell out almost as quickly anyway, but they WILL have more available to sell.
“If they can have X number available by 29th October that doesn’t change if they start selling on the 15th October”
A tip for you. Read a post properly before accusing someone of not having a brain otherwise you make yourself look stupid.
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