Nvidia Display Driver Crashing And Recovering At Desktop


Jan 7, 2016
Whenever I am at the desktop, the nvidia display driver will crash and be recovered randomly. What this does to the graphics card is that it reduces the clock to 405MHz and drops the vram clock to about 324MHz. This makes it impossible to play games and difficult to do much else because it becomes so weak.

My graphics card is a gtx 970 if that helps.

I have tried doing a clean install of the most recent drivers, but that hasn't helped at all. Any help would be very appreciated because this is very, very annoying.
Maybe this will work for you, it worked for me, goto nvidia control panel, manage 3D settings, Power management Mode and change from Adaptive to Prefer Maximum Performance.

Hope it helps
Did you use Display Driver Uninstaller to clear all NVIDIA drivers, and AMD if you previously had an AMD card? I'd guess some remnants could be interfering with your currently installed drivers. Are you running your 970 at stock or overclocking?

I've only ever had a gtx 970 in this computer, so no AMD drivers were ever used. I have used an uninstaller before, and just done the clean install option in geforce experience, same result both times. I am running a light overclock atm, but i can confirm that it still fails without one.
Is this only happening on the most recent driver? Have you tried reverting to a previous one? I'd also recommend just always using the uninstaller because then it completely rules out the possibility of conflict. Other than those suggestions, I don't really know. What are your idle/load temperatures like? Have you messed with the fan curve? What model power supply are you using?

Well, it has been happening for a while now, and I've updated the driver every time there is a new one, so it isn't the most recent one. I haven't tried reverting to a more recent one, but as I said it seems like it crashes even with the older ones. Temps are rather chilly with an idle of about 30 Celsius at idle and not over 70 at load. I like an aggressive fan curve to keep it icy on air. I am using a rosewill 750 Quark. Not exactly evga levels of quality, but still quite good. I have validated that the voltages are correct with a multi meter, so its just fine.
I actually reduced the clocks and it seemed to help. I still get the pop-up saying that the drivers have crashed and that they have been recovered, but the clocks remain rather than going into a low power mode. I can live with the pop-ups for now, so thanks for the help.
Maybe this will work for you, it worked for me, goto nvidia control panel, manage 3D settings, Power management Mode and change from Adaptive to Prefer Maximum Performance.

Hope it helps