Nvidia Ends Notorious GeForce Partner Program

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AMD was in the procedure to sue them, as simple as that. This banana peel is going to be there for a long time.

I have a 1080 TI an I had a 1080 FTW. If I can avoid them in the future, I will, just by principle. I might need a mid range GPU next year, guess what... it will not be green.
Well, the difference between a ROG GTX-580 and a ROG Rx-580 is a lot less clear. Not to mention that you have things like the Zotac ZT-P10710G-10P, or other cases of the alphabet soup of model numbers, as well as things like Windforce OC 8G (Note that that Gigabyte card doesn't have much in the way of clarification as to which chipset it's using, until you get to disecting the model number Gigabyte GV-N1080WF3OC-8GD)

Now, I think GPP was a grab at established brands with goodwill. But if Nvidia demanded clearer names, like requiring that the marketing names and/or cooler shrouds be clearly delineated (for example, having the Nvidia logo/name on the shrouds of their cards, and adding Geforce to all the marketing names), without grabbing the brands exclusively, I could get behind that. What is important is that from what I heard, they weren't refusing to do business with anyone who didn't join GPP, but were merely moving them down in the stack, relatively speaking. I'm also not sure if it demanded their only gaming branded stuff be Nvidia (Really wrong), their current flagship gaming brand be Nvidia only (Still wrong), or that Nvidia have a exclusive gaming brand, new or existing at the partners discretion (slightly wrong, mostly neutral).
First thing you do when you're in a hole? Stop digging!
This whole GPP was a joke to start with. When life gets me down in 5 years time, I'll just have to remember the GPP and I'll end up with aching sides from laughing so hard.....
All they basically said was "Sorry, we only want to bring you fantastically awesome products" with a million smiley faces attached.
They didn't admit to anything. Because they know they've been caught. But its their smug arrogant response that will have me avoid them for a rather long time to come. Remember when Linus Torvalds threw them a middle finger? Well, here's mine to you Nvidia!
"no substitute GPUs hidden behind a pile of techno-jargon."

Comments like that are the reason people hate Nvidia. Well that mixed with the fact their adaptive sync technology doesn't actually work with anybody's monitors, and at this point Gysync monitors are nearly impossible to find (and absurdly overpriced, and don't work with freesync).

Look, if this program -wasn't- toxic, then why did all the board partners have to waste money launching new brands for AMD? Why didn't any of the companies make Nvidia-exclusive branding instead?

Because Nvidia has historically had the lions share of the GPU market?

That is the only reason, other than it being a hard requirement of the program. Either way, Nvidia was abusing it's market position, even if the program only meant that you got priority, or binned chips. With both, it was threatening the viability of higher end brands in a major way to not join.

No, GeForce Experience is staying. This was a program that Nvidia rolled out for their GPU partners (i.e. Asus, Gigabyte, EVGA, etc.).
wow... look at all these nVidia haters.. like AMD never does partner programs or partners up with anyone to corner the market.

all these cry babies that are behind the times that AMD still can't come close to what nVidia does. News flash boys, if you can afford a premium product, instead of crying about it and crapping on it for everyone else, maybe get an education and get better jobs to afford a premium brand.

cause.. you know.. AMD didn't partner with intel for new reason right... But I guess the Geforce Program because if offers you insensitive back is against competition.

I guess all GPU manufacturers should also stop selling there GPU with bundled games. I mean.. come one how dare AMD offer my a GPU with a game i want and not nVidia.

all I see is a bunch of damn cry babies. Call me when the freesync is just as good as nVidia and than we can talk about competition. The should just re brand freesync to Freesh*t, cause that it what it really is.

I think Nvidia is more scare about FTC and EU are getting "interest" in their GPP...
But in reality they got what they wanted. All partners re-branded their gaming series to be only for NVidia while gave AMD different branding name. So, simply they won even if their GPP no more active.
Open standards are important and have real impact: using GPUs from AMD to speed compression on compression utilities, or that board manufacturers opted for CrossFire rather than pay nvidia more for sli certification.

If there was open collaboration and standards on that front there would be only one and it would be better than those separate ones.
Well that excalated quickly [in my Anchorman voice]
All jokes aside, I call BS on that damage control oriented, too little-too late, egg on my face excuse NVIDIA made for canning GPP. This won't be the last of GPP or w/e iteration of it they come up w/ next

Crybabies? Nvidia does NOTHING better. AMD is competing just fine in the low, mid and high tier range (RX560, RX580 and V64). NV charging $3000 for a Titan V is FAR out of the price bracket of most gamers anyways. In fact, it's the mid-range cards of both companies that gamers are most interested in. Just because NV is offering ultra high end cards, doesn't necessarily make them "better". It's still irrelevant mostly to the majority of folk out there.

You wanna talk about Freesync? That does everything more or less as good as GS, yet coming at a $200-$300 discount? Put any average gamer behind equally equipped screens. I can guarantee you that NONE of them will agree on a $200-$300 premium over the other. The tests have been done MANY TIMES, its out on the web, look it up.

I think it's people like you that just want to be part of their camp cuz they have "the fastest card" available. You gain NOTHING out of it. Stop sucking up to them. It's only pure fanboyism and nothing more.
As someone who has owned nVidia Geforce cards for years; finding good G-Sync monitors in the affordable price bracket is near impossible. I'm not even sure how good the cheapest G-Sync monitors are as the chip itself might be of high quality, but certainly not other components (which probably involved taking the real cheap route). If anything, I would put a good quality midranged G-Sync monitor in the $450/500 USD range or above easily. Heck, I've owned my Geforce GTX 760 2GB for nearly four years and not once was I ever able to utilize G-Sync support.

FreeSync on the other hand does make it possible to get a good quality monitor at a lower price range. It might be technically inferior compared to G-Sync, but you can still get a better overall monitor for less (provided the manufacturer didn't price gouge). From my current experience so far after getting a new video card, it does work. My current monitor (which is a 27" VA paneled Acer ED273 Abidpx 1920x1080 144hz) can handle FreeSync from 48-144 hz (with support for LFC at even lower frame rates; a detail that wasn't mentioned on our manuals, Acer's website, nor the Amazon link (but available on AMD's website)) easily. However, it does seem to have an issue with flashing at times (from my understanding, a flaw with FreeSync itself). It does help eliminate screen tearing though. That monitor I mentioned normally has a price of $299 USD, but has been sold for less (like me and my sister got ours for $240-260 range). You can even get the 24" variant for even less. Oh yes, ghosting is due to the VA panel (though provides great contrast) and not because of FreeSync. I know because I was experiencing ghosting on my Geforce GTX 760 (months before it got fried) as well. It is crazy to be seeing VA panels going cheap these days.
If nVidia didn't already mis-label their products it wouldn't be an issue.
Tell me which one of these is <mod edit>?
GeForce GTX 1060 (6GB)
GeForce GTX 1060 (3GB)

Titan X(Pascal)
Titan XP
Titan X(Maxwell)
Titan V
Titan Z
Titan Black
If nVidia is worried about confusion with consumers, perhaps they should of started with there own names.
When AMD create a card that can actually beat nVidia, drivers that aren't trash and start support game developers with new tech, then I'll think about switching to AMD. - until then, i'll stick with the best, even if they are acting like a normal competitive corporate company...
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