News Nvidia finally admits looming RTX 50-series GPU shortage — RTX 5090, RTX 5080 stockouts may happen

Oh Nvidia. If only someone or some company could have known this would happen. 🤷‍♂️

I suppose there really is no incentive to do better as long as someone is buying them out.
Is anyone surprised?
I said this would be the 4090 all over again and $2000 which was already to expensive was the fantasy price.

These things will be $2500-$3000 if not more. And since there's no competition, they have no incentive to rush more out. The lack of availability will push people to compromise for a lower tier card of theirsz exactly how they want it to happen.
Buckle up for another insane ride coming up.

Lets just throw in a high MSRP okay were numb to this now. Add the scalper been there and road that out , Add in oops we under estimated demand and let just throw in the new word of the day Tariffs.

That's going to be a wild card whether they are or are not actually being used on GPU sales.

This feels like the bitcoin dark GPU buying days of yesteryear. That seems so long ago, oh wait were still there. Carry on. 🙄:cry:
It's likely intentional. It's a common trick to limit output to drive prices and create demand and publicity.
It almost certainly is intentional. I remember multiple press releases stating that "NVIDIA is stocking up extra to combat potential shortages due to new tariffs!" If they were creating a stockpile then, then there's no excuse to be out already.
It's likely intentional. It's a common trick to limit output to drive prices and create demand and publicity.
It almost definitely isn't because it makes no financial sense to do so. Nvidia doesn't gain anything from limiting supply, they only lose revenue from customers who can't buy their cards. Nvidia sells AIB's the g[u and memory at a contract price. When a card sells for well above msrp, Nvidia doesn't see a dime of that extra money. It all goes to the retailer and middle men. The only way Nvidia makes more money is by selling more cards.
Agreed. Great for profit, horrible for the common consumer. Annoying for sure.
Great for scalpers too. Scarcity, whether artificial or not, is good for business. Sooner or later, there will be people who for some reason let desperation overrule basic common sense and cave in to the overpricing absurdity.

Not that any of this means very much to me. Even if I had the amount of spare money they are asking even for MSRP, I wouldn't be splurging those kinds of sums on what is effectively just a hobby (and that's barely, these days - being a grumpy old misery takes most of my energy). When you can build 2 or even 3 moderately capable computers for the price of a single GPU, then the price of 'high-end gaming' has got way out of hand and moved in to the category of 'outrageous'.

And lets be honest here, a large percentage of people hankering for these monstrosities are, I'm fairly sure, wanting them for the purpose of gaming, not for production or (so-called) AI, despite what Nvidia and others may like to claim. And besides, as noted further up, Nvidia likely have little interest in the pittance of an income these bring in, and the last thing they want is to provide such stock that prices might be in danger of becoming reasonable!
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Great for scalpers too. Scarcity, whether artificial or not, is good for business. Sooner or later, there will be people who for some reason let desperation overrule basic common sense and cave in to the overpricing absurdity.
In Q3, Nvidia reported $3.3 billion in gaming revenue. That number is higher than every quarter during the last crypto bubble except one, that peaked at $3.6 billion. There are no where near enough "desperate people" to generate that level of revenue. The volume of GPU's Nvidia needs to sell to hit that revenue number is argument killing evidence that they are not artificially limiting supply.
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Great for scalpers too. Scarcity, whether artificial or not, is good for business. Sooner or later, there will be people who for some reason let desperation overrule basic common sense and cave in to the overpricing absurdity.

Not that any of this means very much to me. Even if I had the amount of spare money they are asking even for MSRP, I wouldn't be splurging those kinds of sums on what is effectively just a hobby (and that's barely, these days - being a grumpy old misery takes most of my energy). When you can build 2 or even 3 moderately capable computers for the price of a single GPU, then the price of 'high-end gaming' has got way out of hand and moved in to the category of 'outrageous'.

And lets be honest here, a large percentage of people hankering for these monstrosities are, I'm fairly sure, wanting them for the purpose of gaming, not for production or (so-called) AI, despite what Nvidia and others may like to claim. And besides, as noted further up, Nvidia likely have little interest in the pittance of an income these bring in, and the last thing they want is to provide such stock that prices might be in danger of becoming reasonable!
Don't beat yourself up so bad! I am also not spending $2000+ for a GPU. That's just irresponsible when that is almost 2 mortgage payments. $500-$800 sure BUT watching this play out with the "shortage" and people camping outside of stores to spend this amount is alarming as a consumer and as fan of gaming and pc building. I am buckling down for the long haul and hoping to see some positive light a few months from now.
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"So, if you want to be among the first to get an RTX 5090 or RTX 5080, you should line up at your nearest major PC retailer as soon as (or even before) it opens tomorrow"

I can pretty much guarantee you'll get a card if you follow this advice... considering the cards don't go on sale for two more days.
TLDR: why sell Blackwell silicon as a $2000 rtx 5090 when they can sell it as a $20000-$40000 ai accelerator
I mean yeah.

But it's also a huge competition overall in the fab for that too, even outside Nvidia. This is the reality of the fab capacity limits.

If this makes anyone happy, just as Nvidia skin us, so does TSMC/Samsung and so on do to Nvidia.
Not sure why there would be much demand, since the benchmarks aren't showing that big of a performance increase over the 40 series.
Time is not stopping, people want to upgrade their 4-8 years old GPUs.

It is clear that something like 5090 will be a top dog for this gen and probably won't be superseded by anything in the next ~2 years, unless 5090 Super/Ti pops up.

And 5080 despite its meme 16GB VRAM is still a second best, although it's almost a given there will be 5080 Super with 24GB VRAM.

People just go for it like every gen.
Time is not stopping, people want to upgrade their 4-8 years old GPUs.

It is clear that something like 5090 will be a top dog for this gen and probably won't be superseded by anything in the next ~2 years, unless 5090 Super/Ti pops up.

And 5080 despite its meme 16GB VRAM is still a second best, although it's almost a given there will be 5080 Super with 24GB VRAM.

People just go for it like every gen.
Everyone said the same about the 4090.

No card is safe from time or for any time. Nvidia will keep releasing cards that are renumbered to confuse people and release a top tier card that improves on the previous year no matter how minor or major.
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Everyone said the same about the 4090.

No card is safe from time or for any time. Nvidia will keep releasing cards that are renumbered to confuse people and release a top tier card that improves on the previous year no matter how minor or major.
As I said for ~2 years.

Of course, eventually there will be 6090, but for the next 2 years 5090 owners will be eating well, and frankly - I don't think they will suffer much after those 2 years either for another 2-3 years the least.

5080 is a bit more sus, though. That 16GB VRAM stings.
The great retail circle of life is swinging around to the start of a new cycle again.

Scalpers are gonna Scalp.
U-Tubers are gonna Crow.
Bleeding Edgers will pay through the nose and be in Nirvana, until the next cycle at least.
Game Devs will immediately fill the VRAM to capacity to stay on top.

Chase the frames. 80 4K ray traced frames is so inadequate that you MUST spend $2,000+ to increase it to 100.

And the wurm turns on its way to the next cycle.
there's no physical shortage, just like there wasn't for the 4000 series cards. the priority has been to the mass buyers such as miners, AI stuff and whatever else makes folks want to drop millions at once for a pallet or 10 of them.

there is a shortage of them getting into retail chains for the average person to buy, but that's not due to not making enough. it's just due to putting the consumer buyer at the very bottom of the buyer list. scalpers and bots are well above any one of us in line which is why it is near impossible to get one. day 1 shortages are always gonna happen, but 6 months in, they should be readily available which is not really happening anymore either.

i'm not paying the prices they are asking either way, but it def sucks that no matter the price you can't get a new card without paying out the ass for it.