News Nvidia finally admits looming RTX 50-series GPU shortage — RTX 5090, RTX 5080 stockouts may happen

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there's no physical shortage, just like there wasn't for the 4000 series cards. the priority has been to the mass buyers such as miners, AI stuff and whatever else makes folks want to drop millions at once for a pallet or 10 of them.

there is a shortage of them getting into retail chains for the average person to buy, but that's not due to not making enough. it's just due to putting the consumer buyer at the very bottom of the buyer list. scalpers and bots are well above any one of us in line which is why it is near impossible to get one. day 1 shortages are always gonna happen, but 6 months in, they should be readily available which is not really happening anymore either.

i'm not paying the prices they are asking either way, but it def sucks that no matter the price you can't get a new card without paying out the ass for it.
Your not making any sense. You deny there's a shortage and then explain exactly why there's a shortage. When there aren't enough and the price is set too low, demand outpaces supply = shortage. You can cry that you don't like it, neither do i, but they're going to sell like hot cakes at $2k and the shortage is indication that it's not too expensive for release.
As I said for ~2 years.

Of course, eventually there will be 6090, but for the next 2 years 5090 owners will be eating well, and frankly - I don't think they will suffer much after those 2 years either for another 2-3 years the least.

5080 is a bit more sus, though. That 16GB VRAM stings.
Hmm I guess it has been 2 years. The poor handling and supply chain doesn't make it feel like it was that long ago.

I'm not jealous of the 5090 personally. I paid a scalper retail (unknowing early that day burngate happened) for my 4090. Knowing what it can do relative to the 5090 who's power requirements aren't great and the performance uptick to boot, it's not worth $700 more MSRP, let alone artificial shortage prices.

The 5080 with the comparitively but capable 16GB VRAM is the same ploy as the 4080 placing it in the "it doesn't make sense" camp and solely exists as a compromise.

With chip prices bound to go up and diminishing returns, PC gaming is quickly going from the console alternative back to a luxury and we'll be in a situation where people like myself will be the 'new' 1080 card owners 10 years later. I don't mean that as disrespect towards those holding on to their 1080's, I'm just relating, I get it. It's stupid money and at a certain point it's just not worth it anymore to keep up.

I think that's where AMD, and maybe Intel if they get their business in order, will start to win, when nobody is willing to spend that much for a GPU. Nvidia will have eaten the market to an extent but AMD will have comfortably established king of the mid-range and hopefully force devs to stop being lazy and relying on Frame-Gen and scalers and go back to optimizing code.
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I think that's where AMD, and maybe Intel if they get their business in order, will start to win, when nobody is willing to spend that much for a GPU. Nvidia will have eaten the market to an extent but AMD will have comfortably established king of the mid-range and hopefully force devs to stop being lazy and relying on Frame-Gen and scalers and go back to optimizing code.
I think that if AMD actually undercuts Nvidia for once instead of pretending to in order to ride someone else's high price train..... Nvidia would be in danger of taking EA and now Ubisofts most hated gaming company crown. AMD is for whatever reason providing a lot of cover for their supposed rival.

Just imagine, AMD comes out so low it basically does a hostile takeover on low-medium market share. Intel wont because as has been proven their GPU's are for people with high end CPU's. Buying an intel GPU makes sense if you want to maximize CPU but only if you are willing to put up with all the buggyness.... which indicates a niche kind of consumer.
I think that if AMD actually undercuts Nvidia for once instead of pretending to in order to ride someone else's high price train..... Nvidia would be in danger of taking EA and now Ubisofts most hated gaming company crown. AMD is for whatever reason providing a lot of cover for their supposed rival.

Just imagine, AMD comes out so low it basically does a hostile takeover on low-medium market share. Intel wont because as has been proven their GPU's are for people with high end CPU's. Buying an intel GPU makes sense if you want to maximize CPU but only if you are willing to put up with all the buggyness.... which indicates a niche kind of consumer.
Nvidia would not really care, they practically own the place. People can hate them all they like, they will still pay on average.

Other than that, make no mistake, AMD is a corporation just like Nvidia is - they don't offer more attractive pricing out of the goodness of their hearts, they do it because their GPUs are a generation behind on various tensor features, so they have to stuff them with extra VRAM and more attractive pricing to compete.

The problem of course that this all still costs money, and they can't undercut to infinity, especially if Nvidia would decide to give a fight they don't really need.
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The problem of course that this all still costs money, and they can't undercut to infinity, especially if Nvidia would decide to give a fight they don't really need.
On one hand I strongly doubt that anyone is actually undercutting manufacturing and developing costs.... on the other hand living in fear only proves you think you are peddling an inferior product.... which means customers should not be buying it.
With chip prices bound to go up and diminishing returns, PC gaming is quickly going from the console alternative back to a luxury and we'll be in a situation where people like myself will be the 'new' 1080 card owners 10 years later.
I disagree here.

People gaslight themselves and others into thinking you need those high-end or even enthusiast cards, when even budget options already exist that can do the job of shoving pixels into your eyeballs just fine.

The paradigm shift might happen, where people would realize that you don't need to slap on super-duper ultra quality 4k to play games and flicking medium settings on 1440p with some upscaling would be just as fine for the game experience, while requiring only something alongside $250 base MSRP GPU.

Just as the top end GPUs seem to be reaching a ceiling, the lower end GPUs floor has increased a lot in the last few years.
I disagree here.

People gaslight themselves and others into thinking you need those high-end or even enthusiast cards, when even budget options already exist that can do the job of shoving pixels into your eyeballs just fine.

The paradigm shift might happen, where people would realize that you don't need to slap on super-duper ultra quality 4k to play games and flicking medium settings on 1440p with some upscaling would be just as fine for the game experience, while requiring only something alongside $250 base MSRP GPU.

Just as the top end GPUs seem to be reaching a ceiling, the lower end GPUs floor has increased a lot in the last few years.
The problem is that the overpricing is even more of an issue with the lower end GPU's where upscaling not only does little but actually results in inferior results. All the marketing is directed at the high end users with the low end almost subsidizing them because the high end cards having a high price is used as an excuse to push up the prices of low end one's.

What about the schmuck that does not care about resolutions above 1080p or ray tracing? What is left for him? He gets told "1080p is low res now peasant, spend more and upgrade to a REAL monitor". Having given this too much thought the last few years I have come to the conclusion that not only is the 7700xt the absolute minimum sensible purchase for low end users atm (unless you want to engage in a chronic upgrade cycle which is not something low end users actually do)..... there is no guarantee it wont age faster than previous generations because devs are trying hard to outpace available hardware and end up partially being valuable money thrown into the water.

Put shortly a good strategy seems to me get something that now can do 4K at upscaling properly so that 5 (7 if you are lucky) years down the road it can still do 1080p properly without having to downscale.

Of course this is even more of a problem for anyone outside of the main GPU markets because there are NO sub $350 GPU's available with $500 being an average price leading to more low end users.

There is an important difference between low end and high end users.... the latter often thinks short term while the former is forced to think long term.... especially obvious when it comes to Compulsive Upgrade Disorder where the person constantly upgrades and essentially scalps his hold hardware to recoup for his continuous investment flow effectively driving up the used parts pricing so low end users cannot even get a break there. Low end users on the other hand typically buy once and buy final... only replacing something once it becomes absolutely necesary.

Atm the industry as you pointed out only recognizes that CUD exists and nothing else because all their strategies are aimed at shareholders instead of customers. So they keep pointing to minor improvements that simply don't matter to low end users because they will never be able to properly use them anyway. The customer now funds the profits of shareholders instead of his own benifit.... he is a beast of burden not a client. It's actually almost funny.
The problem is that the overpricing is even more of an issue with the lower end GPU's where upscaling not only does little but actually results in inferior results. All the marketing is directed at the high end users with the low end almost subsidizing them because the high end cards having a high price is used as an excuse to push up the prices of low end one's.

What about the schmuck that does not care about resolutions above 1080p or ray tracing? What is left for him? He gets told "1080p is low res now peasant, spend more and upgrade to a REAL monitor". Having given this too much thought the last few years I have come to the conclusion that not only is the 7700xt the absolute minimum sensible purchase for low end users atm (unless you want to engage in a chronic upgrade cycle which is not something low end users actually do)..... there is no guarantee it wont age faster than previous generations because devs are trying hard to outpace available hardware and end up partially being valuable money thrown into the water.

Put shortly a good strategy seems to me get something that now can do 4K at upscaling properly so that 5 (7 if you are lucky) years down the road it can still do 1080p properly without having to downscale.
1. Don't confuse framegen with upscaling.
2. You're the example of self-gaslighting.

7700xt absolute minimum for the low end users? When you have GPUs like B580 for $250 that can drive 60FPS at 1440p in most modern titles before any upscaling is even used?

4k for value-conscious PC gamer? What are we even talking about? Literal self-gaslighting example right there.
1. Don't confuse framegen with upscaling.
2. You're the example of self-gaslighting.

7700xt absolute minimum for the low end users? When you have GPUs like B580 for $250 that can drive 60FPS at 1440p in most modern titles before any upscaling is even used?

4k for value-conscious PC gamer? What are we even talking about? Literal self-gaslighting example right there.
On one hand you miss that intel GPU's are weak unless you have a high end CPU.... which makes them quickly useless for low en users.

On the other hand you miss or ignore why I said target GPU's that can currently run well at 4k with upscaling, probably because you are still thinking short term instead of long term. You are thinking today instead of tomorrow.... unless you feel like wasting money and just don't care.
On one hand you miss that intel GPU's are weak unless you have a high end CPU.... which makes them quickly useless for low en users.

On the other hand you miss or ignore why I said target GPU's that can currently run well at 4k with upscaling, probably because you are still thinking short term instead of long term. You are thinking today instead of tomorrow.... unless you feel like wasting money and just don't care.
Low-end PC users don't need to target something they won't have even in 6 years from now. and the CPU overhead for something like B580 is only really relevant for old CPUs, even beside this not being the only GPU that offers value in the price bracket.

It's like mind-boggling to me. You literally have the GPUs with value through the roof and you just find excuses to ignore them, because apparently you need to play 4D chess with yourself thinking about ephemeral 4k years from now as a low-end user.

Check the Steam survey (for all the supposed faults of it) - vast majority of people are sitting on something around 3060 or less. That's less than what $250 B580 is and this is what PC game devs target. In 2 years that will tick up to ~4060.

And that's all the low-end user really needs.
Low-end PC users don't need to target something they won't have even in 6 years from now. and the CPU overhead for something like B580 is only really relevant for old CPUs, even beside this not being the only GPU that offers value in the price bracket.
Uhm..... low end PC users typically are more likely to buy hardware that will last them as close to 10 years as possible.... or longer.... because they have less money to spend everything has to last them longer. I am guessing your idea of "old" is not even close to what mine is.

Even on current gen lower end CPU's however these GPU's have been shown to slow down.

It's like mind-boggling to me. You literally have the GPUs with value through the roof and you just find excuses to ignore them, because apparently you need to play 4D chess with yourself thinking about ephemeral 4k years from now as a low-end user.
The value is only high for niche use cases and people that are wasteful and cant manage to practice self restraint.

Check the Steam survey (for all the supposed faults of it) - vast majority of people are sitting on something around 3060 or less. That's less than what $250 B580 is and this is what PC game devs target. In 2 years that will tick up to ~4060.

And that's all the low-end user really needs.
On one hand that survey is hardly all inclusive since not everyone uses steam and of those that do don't all opt into the survey.

On the other hand the survey fails to take into account how long unique PC's keep specific hardware, it only snapshots broad moments in time.

Yes, a 3060 is all a low end user needs.... right now. And it would have been a good purchase..... in 2023 or last year for the desperate. However it wont last all that long given current trends that will probably obsolete it in half the time it will a 7700xt. Also atm if I were to buy one it costs about the same as the B580 and some models actually cost a bit more....

As to what they target, atm that is the PS5 and soon the PS5 pro which means that this is the minimum you need for modest future-proofing because eventually everyone will reach that. 3060 is more PS4 which was discontinued in 2023 which also is where PS5 targeted games started making their appearance on PC.... your mind is boggled because you have never really used it in this way perhaps? Not everything you don't understand can simply be dismissed by calling it "4D Chess".... all you do when you do that is admit ignorance and demand no one inform you.

This is not 4D chess, it's forward projection based on both personal experience and experience dealing with low end users in general.... this is how they think because their economic circumstances usually force them to. If you upgrade every few years to whatever is the cheapest, you are not a low end user as much as a foolish one that spends more than he actually needs to the same way people on debt end up paying double or more without noticing because it's too uncomfortable to make all the calculations. You yet again prove my point of you obviously thinking short term.... 5 years is not long term it's long for short and short for long.

I am guessing you never heard the expression "buying cheap is actually buying expensive".

Nvidia releasing 5090 and 5080 series cards with next to no stock was a poor decision​

The nvidia website went straight from "coming soon" to "out of stock". It was supposed to become available at 2pm, it was still coming soon till 2:30pm ish when it just went straight to out of stock, and I had a bot checking it every 5 seconds.

Only had 10 cards.

Was the same, only the MSI ventus was available for about 3.142 seconds before they removed the buy button on the website.

Nvidia shouldn't have set this release date with so little FE cards in their stock and after market cards in resellers warehouses.

I think I will see how things are in December, no rush, or wait for the 6090, I was hoping for 64gb of ram anyway for AI workloads, 32 is nowhere near enough. Flux dev fp16 and fp16 vae uses more than 24gb, the 5090 will just be enough, the fp8 and fp4 features are no good for detailed image processing.