[citation][nom]gondor[/nom]0.5 dB is "a little louder" ? Either your noise meter is faulty or you have the best hearing in the world. Normal humans cannot detect 1 dB difference (and most people beyond their teens would struggle or fail with 2 dB as well) yet you managed to somehow notice the 0.5 dB difference ... astounding ![/citation]
From experience and reading graphics card reviews over time, I come to the conclusion that the decibel meter doesn't paint a complete picture; it's basically one point of measurement in a sea of sounds. A graphics card might not measure louder, but it could produce a more, or less, irritating noise to a listener, or even a louder sound than what the meter registers.
Any audiophile can tell you sound is a very subjective output form; there is still no real way to tell you what the best speaker, amplifier, or pre-amp is, or source, with measurements taken in the lab. You might (or might not) be entirely accurate in implying he couldn't hear the difference in decibels, but wrong in assuming the cards sound exactly alike with one measuring a practically inconsequential amount louder.