Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 Graphics Card Prices

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Ok, not really an "article" but more of a list of video cards with referral links. Maybe tomshardware can start a new section called clickbait and put it there, as to not confuse readers looking at articles since this is posted under "articles" on the main page. Nice quick money grab though. I'm sure there will be at least a few suckers who will click those links for you.
Meh. Its an article to me, a person who is interested in the increasing prices of Nvidia mid range cards such as this. Personally, it tells me a lot about the cards and how well they are selling as well as the mining issue and how long until Volta is released. The face that Pascal is no longer being manufactured to the amount to keep up with pricing tells me that volta is under 6 months away for sure, and I would bet 4 months until its revealed.
I have no complaints about it in part because the headline is completely accurate and the contents were exactly what I expected. If it had said review, or roundup, or something other than prices at the end I might feel differently.
How dare you place self updating prices for the Nvidia Geforce GTX 1070 in an article about Nvidia Geforce GTX 1070 prices

That handy chart showing the technical details of all of the Nvidia cards was also completely out of line

In all seriousness I didn't know the Geforce 1050 and the 1030 were made on a smaller process node than the others.

Seems odd they would use totally different manufacturing methods for the low end and not just use the worst of the 1060s with the defected areas disabled, but I'm sure they have their reasons.
Huh, I was thinking those prices seemed kind of high for a 1070...

Until I saw the prices for Micro Center (http://www.microcenter.com/search/search_results.aspx?N=4294966937+4294840904&NTX=&NTT=&NTK=all&page=1&sortby=pricelow)...

I guess semi-good news, they actually have RX 570 & 580 cards in stock, & their prices are back to being comparable (RX 570 = 1060 3GB, RX 580 = 1060 6GB). No Vega 56 cards, though, just the Vega 64 air-cooled models (single fan?!? & not on AMD reference cards, but on the partner model!?!)... & at their prices, you can get a 1080TI for the same price (or, get a 1080 for the price of a 1070).

I'm glad to see that the majority of readers see value in these articles and understand their purpose. We have been creating several of these to assist people with new PC builds, by making it easy to find the best prices on parts online. We hastened production of these GPU price lists due to the shortage, and it does help in keeping an eye on the GPU shortage as well.

@derekullo: It was surprising when Nvidia announced the use of 12nm transistors in its lower-end 1000 series GPUs. I am curious if the 14nm process offered notable advantages in power consumption and die area over the 16nm process. I suspect it might have, and Nvidia made the decision to go with 14nm on those lower-end GPUs to better serve laptops. I don't have anything to support that idea, but just a thought. It is noteworthy that the 14nm parts do have lower clock speeds than the 16nm parts. Just a general observation.

Power efficiency (in GFLOPS/W) of the GTX 1050's is actually worse than most of AMD's GPUs, while the GTX 1030 and 1060 match the bottom of their curve at about 32. The 1050 delivers 23 GFLOPS/W, while the 1050 Ti achieves 26. The 1080 is far more efficient, at about 46 GFLOPS/W, though it's usually the bigger GPUs that are most efficient. Vega 56 is AMD's best, at about 40 GFLOPS/W.

Anyway, this leads me to suspect that the reason for using 14 nm was cost-based, and because GPUs this small aren't so much limited by power or thermals (except in laptops).

completely agree with you.

In addition to the highly annoying 'clickbait' 'from the web' articles at the end of every Tom's page, that have no factual basis whatsoever. I genuinely can't believe Tom's, as a reputable site, would place completely false articles on their pages .
I totally don't understand the whining and moaning. The title of the piece describes just what it is--well, actually, there's more meat to the piece than just a list of prices. I guess some people simply have to complain--if there's anything deceptive about this article, it's purely in the heads of those complaining about it.

That said, I occasionally go to pricewatch.com to entertain myself with component prices, usually graphics cards, but sometimes CPUs.

:) meat to the piece! you care to tell me where that is?

Everyone's entitled to their opinion. Some, including myself, have found these article refresh's irrelevant. It's just a price list. Go to pcpartpicker or whatever and get the same list, but only continually updated on a daily basis.

Apart from that, as envy14tpe has eluded to, maybe Tom's are getting kickbacks. For me that's cynical, as are the other thing I mentioned in my own post (again, my opinion, agree or disagree, I don't care) with the ridiculous 'from the web' collection one has to endure at the end of every article. I understand Tom's have to get money from somewhere to keep things running smoothly, but the level of advertising, with a lot of it inappropriate (an example being - links to beat gambling, or make it rich in one week) is starting to leave a bad taste.

I've been a member of Tom's community for 9 years. I love this site, and visit everyday a few times a day. I've never seen the level of advertising before, and as I've pointed out, articles like this are designed to get people to click and generate revenue.

Another example happened during the week, in the Latest News feed there was an article about a grandmother getting hacked, or hacking someone (i can't remember exactly to be honest) and all it was, was a big fat tip of the hat to Norton Premier, and links to purchase it. Like i said, so cynical. There will be people who will actually buy that software and they don't need it! I actually complained about that blatant scare mongering news post, and funnily enough it disappeared only an hour or so later. Maybe Tom's took heed :)

Anyway, that my two cents.

So happy friday folks, have a good one.

An article containing nothing but kickback links is kinda lame, but they have to pay for the content + hosting somehow, and we certainly don't need any more self-playing video ads.

I just think it should add something more than you could get by just going to Newegg. The comparison chart is a start, but this is actually much better:


Like I said, if these articles just had plots of historical selling prices, that would definitely be worthwhile. For extra credit, add a plot of the Ethereum price on the same graph. Or, maybe use a spreadsheet to compute the fps/$ for each game & card that Tom's has benchmarked.
I got my Gigabyte G1 1070 for $369 at MicroCenter, It was a restock card, Guess the person who bought it returned it, and the box says factory Warranty applies, New these things are too much in my opinion.

As Scott_123 said, the 1080 is $500 or less if you look hard enough, or if you are not worried about a used 1080, they can be often cheaper than $500.

Please tell me again how good is nvidia site, with prices and different vendors and models?!!?!?.


Considering that a) they're selling the GTX 1070 Founder's Edition (i.e. the cards that don't have as good of cooling solutions as the partner boards), & b) the site says that nVidia is out of stock...you're better off not using nVidia's site. And no, there's no comparison of the different partner models in terms of price or performance. They just sell the non-partner Founder's Editions, when they have them available, for the price they want to sell it for.

It was a sarcastic question of course we all know that Nvidia site is only good for reference cards and specs. The people complaining about this thread have no idea what they are talking about. This is a good informational thread about prices and different models available at the moment of the writing.
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