bigcyco1 :
ubercake :
Ha Ha! I just installed my 780s and fired up Battlefield 3 only to find all my stats entirely reset and my dude back to level 0. I fired up the game and it looked great, but all I had were the beginning weapons. Went to the Origin/EA support forum and this is at the top of their problem list after the BF3 server update from last night. Trying Crysis 3...
I thought you already had 2 680's in SLI why upgrade ?
I admit. I have an illness. I justify this by maximizing the resale value of the last gen's x80 cards. I get a little more than one of the new-gen cards paid for through selling the last gen. If I waited another gen to sell my 680s, I wouldn't get as much for them, etc... The sickness consumes me. This is how I justify it all in my own head, even though it's so wrong. The 680s were fine. Now, I'm probably going to be forced to buy 3 Asus 144Hz monitors pretty soon.
That being said... As they should, these 780s push the limits of my 120Hz monitor with everything I play now (exception Crysis 3) on full details/AA/AF everything. The good thing is tearing is very hard to notice beyond the 120Hz mark. My Crysis 3 averages 70s are now where my maximums used to be and my minimums 40s are where my averages used to be with everything at full-tilt. It does make a difference with this game.