Nvidia GeForce GTX 900 Series MegaThread: FAQ and Resources

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Yeah, that was cool. Basically what would be today a 970 and a 950 on one PCB.

I think the only difference on the card itself is an extra HDMI 2.0 port on the back (i.e. the side across from the standard I/O). That lets you run a cable inside the case instead of out the back. You'll see it in the video, which is only a little longer than one minute.

Damn, that does look like PhysX! I super stoked about that!!! I guess the partnership that Nvidia did in 2014 with Ubisoft for Gameworks and PhsyX actually is coming through. :)

Have you seen the smoke inside the building when the firefights happen? That look a lot like nvidia smoke turbulence effect that seen in arkham origin and arkham knight. Though I thought that the game engine itself were using havok (it is part of Ubisoft partner ship with havok where many the of the game engine use by Ubisoft were using havok).
I dunno from what i saw from the beta, it looks good, but not super amazing. Granted even though i maxed everything out i'd imagine beta is a bit of a far cry from the full game right?

Personally during the day, I felt like it was lacking, but during night hours and storm/snow events it was just amazing.
Lightning to me was really on point, enjoyed the hell out of the game.. just hope it doesn't die as fast as battlefront If I decide to buy it.
Hey everyone, just recommending the Asus GTX960 Turbo 4GB. It runs games like a champ and is quite reliable. Just saying, if you want a 960, get this one.

Asus has been promoting the fact that they are the first graphics card manufacturer to go with an all automated assembly line. This is supposed to provide an increase their overall quality.

I remember seeing benchmarks where that wasn't the case with their "assembly line" technique. I don't think it has any actual bearing on actual overclocking as even if the soldering and assembly is done by a machine the parts will still have a varied asic. Not to mention the actual parts are most definitely still going to vary.

Yeah, i feel like battlefront's gonna be another titan fall. Great game amazing gameplay tight controls unique spin on cod love the mech combat, but no story. Other then the x faction fights y faction because politics. I don't think (hope) the game ends up like that. But straight multiplayer games just don't work out most of the time. TItan fall/ Evolve. Not saying that games without story's do poorly, but its something.

Which version of Battlefront ever had a story? :lol:

csgo tf2 dota league

Battlefront didn't have a story? I'm pretty sure their was a pretty good campaign in 1 and 2 if memory serves me right, sure not in the traditional sense, but their were plot lines in relation to the movies, i'd say more of their own mini stories apart of one big story(universe).

Csgo/tf2/dota/leauge for one 3 of those are owned by valve, a company with an amazing track record, csgo/tf2 are sequels to popular games same with dota 2 though i'd argue that dota 2 isn't as popular as league in terms of just how many people play it. If anything those would be the acceptions to the rule if their was a rule, which their isn't.

Their should be no reason as to why titan fall and evolve did so poorly but they did. Both are amazing games in their own right, but nobody plays them anymore. Same with battlefront. I know personally i would've enjoyed them all a lot more if they had an actual story or did something more in depth, but thats not what they were designed around. Which is why i said "Not saying that games without story's do poorly". But theirs definitively a trend at least i'm seeing with multiplayer only fps type games failing in the long run.
Also whats with companies and their dumb naming schemes. Star wars battlefront already exists, why name the third game in the series star wars battlefront? I realize it's to reinvigorate the franchise, and i guess a sort of way to distance itself from the failed project that was star wars battlefront 3. But i mean just re using the same title and emphasizing the last word doesn't some how make it any less confusing. Same thing with xbox one? Why? Is that the cool thing to do now? Or is this something that's always happened and i'm just noticing this?

They'll both run almost exactly the same with nearly identical performance, but if you want to focus closely on the numbers, the Gigebyte card has the "better" cooler. My advice, though, is to just go with whichever has the better deal.

The only real reason to spend much more on one card over another is if you need a blower-style cooler for a small computer, or if you just like the way one looks better. That said, neither of those cards has a blower-style cooler, so just choose on price and which one you think looks cooler or better than the other. You're not going to notice any significant different in performance, and you'll be able to overclock both cards to virtually identical speeds anyway.
go with whichever one fits your builds color schematics, sure the g1 may have a better cooler, but they're going to have identical asic. If you plan on overclocking it's a crapshoot either way. So go with the pretty one?

Why not the g1?

Higher base clock then both and better cooling, though if you're looking at just clocks i think the extreme amp edition from zotac would be your best bet.