A while back, some people were complaining about defective manufacturing of Nvidia's desktop graphics chips. At that time it was merely speculation, but this article pointing out proven defects of mobile GPUs, which were covered up by Nvidia, really starts to make me wonder. For me it sucks more, because I own a laptop with a 8600GS M, and a desktop using two 9800GTs in SLI. At the time I bought my gear Nvidia was better money for value, but now I surely wish that I had shelled out the extra $100 for dual ATI 4850s.
This is the crux of the issue. I paid a LOT of money for my hardware. And because of Nvidia's spineless actions of not owning up to their mistakes, and recalling their products, I don't know how long I can reliably use my computer. Will it start bugging out tomorrow? A month from now? Will it even last for a single year?
I think the idea that the solution to all problems is to sue is just stupidity. R1Master is right. Lawsuits do not encourage companies to produce products. Less products and less competition means big losses for all customers. However, Nvidia DOES have to make recompense. I think they need to come clean and do a recall. Recalls cost lots of money, yes. But if Nvidia had been man enough to stand up at the very beginning, then there wouldn't be thousands of products to recall, just a few hundred. They lied, and the price of choosing to lie is now it'll cost much more to make amends.