Your argument is wrong, because is impossible to predict the future.
You make the fallacy called
Hindsight bias. You are conceited claiming that "you knew it all along", as if you had a crystal ball.
You claim that NOW you "know the right choices", because OTHER people made bad choices IN THE PAST. That's pure narcissist conceit.
The free market is a search algorithm, that optimizes resources. It takes time to find which investments are good, and which ones are bad. Finding the good investments has the unavoidable cost of also finding the bad investments. It's called RISK. Risk is part of the cost, which socialist arbitrarily ignore, but is impossible to make good investments without also making bad investments, hence the cost of a success, includes the costs of failures.
The free market is better than anything else, because the free market punished bad investors, and forces them to stop malinvesting resources, meanwhile also rewarding good investors giving to them more resources.
That self correction is impossible in socialism, because socialism does not have the guidance of prices, profits and loses.
The loses in the crypto market are the virtue of the free market: it's the self correcting mechanism. Socialism never corrects his errors.