Nvidia Played a Part in SteamOS Development

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Video performance in linux always behind other OS. Glad to see Nvidia stepping in to help address that. Going to guess in exchange for that kind of help for Steam is advertisement on the platform. I wonder if ATI-AMD will do the same?

I love ATI cards but linux video drivers always give me stability issues. I've heard it's the same issue for both companies.
This is a bit puzzling. AMD is listed on the Steam store page as one of their "partners". Either Nvidia is pulling a stunt, or partnership ain't all it's cracked up to be.
"To deliver an open-platform gaming experience with superior performance and uncompromising visuals directly on the big screen."

Open-platform? Like a PC, but less open.
Haha love the last bit in the article:
"The final piece of the Valve puzzle will be revealed on Friday. We already know what that will be, and it's not Source 2 as the supposed Valve employee suggested."

Good to know but still the second announcement on the leak turned out to be true. Valve made 3 announcements, revealed every 3 days, on the 9th month of the year 2013 and 9/3 = 3 so If the last announcement isn't half-life 3 they are worse trolls than EA.
NVidia believes in "the importance of open-platform innovation"....yet they don't really believe in open source or open standards. If NVidia actually believed in open-platform innovation, PhysX wouldn't require CUDA, but instead would be OpenCL based.
AMD driver support is a joke outside of windows. Nvidia's has much better linux drivers and also BSD/Solaris drivers for years; so It's fair to say they support the advancement of open OSs
"The final piece of the Valve puzzle will be revealed on Friday. We already know what that will be, and it's not Source 2 as the supposed Valve employee suggested."

If you already know then why don't you just tell us!
Unless someone manages to hack DirectX into SteamOS I will not bother. Not having DX means I would not be able to play 90%+ of the games I have on steam. I will not install an OS that locks me out of 100+ of my games.
Unless SteamOS can play every one of my 300 Steam games then it will not be for me. The last time I tried Linux Steam I had something like 6 games out of over 250 that could be installed. Even OS X had only 66 but that is atleast better than Linux.

When my games can be played on Linux with out the use of Wine I might give it a try but until then it is of no use. I wish they would get Half-Life Episode 3 out instead of this crap.

No, its mostly runs great on nvidia cards(they have been supporting linux a lot), while amd dont have any working drivers for most linux builds, a firend is in coding and programming he was working with blender on linux and just because he bought ati card he could no longer do it in linux and he had to instal it on windows

oh NVidia is doing things to do with Linux now valve is pushing it?
what a surprise...
lets hope they don't put something in it to screw with AMD users because I wouldn't put it past NVidia to do something like that
"This means that anyone can build hardware and software for use in the living room, on an operating system designed to be lightweight, extensible and optimized for gaming. Suffice to say, we here at NVIDIA are very excited! Cause we screwed the pooch with Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony!"
As someone who has to deal with Linux drivers on a variety machines I can say say with some certainty about the evolution of the drivers. nVidia started with good drivers early and for the last few years has had garbage driver support for Linux. The situation only improved once they started developing the SteamBox. AMD's started off horribly but has over the last few years AMD's had decent support but it's always behind the Windows versions. My guess is that nVidia has done all that they're going to do to keep they're Linux drivers up to date.

The major complaint people have is that nVidia opensources more of their driver code than AMD, that doesn't have anything to do with the quality of the code.
Lol thanks for linking that Bill Reinhardt. When I read about SteamOS, it prompted the memory of Torvalds attitude towards Nvidia.
"When my games can be played on Linux without the use of Wine I might give it a try"

That's likely never going to happen. Most developers have moved on from their published titles, some might go back and make it linux compatible, but most won't, unless you know how to re-code a game without the source, or even with it, you'll likely always have to use Wine for most windows games, depending on how old your library runs and what it consists of. (Or dual boot at the least.)

This might however give developers a push to move to linux in the future and make their games compatible.

We aren't talking about the devs going back and re-coding the games. We are talking about wanting some kind of API to come out capable of running DirectX based games without requiring a windows OS. I will not use SteamOS unless they manage to do that, because it would lock me out of at least 130 of my 160+ games.

Yes, I've been thinking a lot about this and the implications of Mr. Torvalds hate speech against nVidia. Has nVidia decided to play things nicer now? nVidia has published NDA-free open GPU documentation:


So it seems that things are moving in a more positive direction. Either Linus has had an effect on them or it is a response to Intel and their development with Linux support for their embedded graphics hardware and as a preparation to secure a future position in the growing Linux based Android platform.

Another question that arises is; when will we begin to reap the fruits of AMD's more "cooperative" attitude towards the Linux world with more stable, reliable and efficient GPU drivers?

They released drivers a few months later speeding things up 100% as Valve notes in the article here. More than that they also mention the documentation they wrote here too. Either way, anything that gets us Valves games on Linux (all of steam I mean, and they are converting as fast as they can, already 200 titles) and helps to kill Directx is GREAT. If MS didn't have a stranglehold on gaming and office the OS would be $50 for ultimate edition and the next Office version would be $50 instead of $500. Also games made for say, OpenGL, HTML5, WebGL, Java etc are easily ported between linux, windows, android, ios. ONE GAME made NOT on DirectX, runs on all.

If AMD can't get a decent linux driver out it isn't NV's fault. It's lack of funding to even get WINDOWS drivers correct for the last gen even after 2yrs! You can thank all the free games and low prices (leading to ZERO profits) for crappy drivers.

Linus is a whiner at times. This was one of them.
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