Nvidia Pokes Fun at Intel by Using Cartoons

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Good for Nvidia!
As the saying goes, the best humor is based on truth.
I can't believe Intel has been allowed to get away with it's monopolistic business practices for so long.
So completely unimportant it is a shock anyone would bother... Stick with hard evidence not silly cartoons. Nvidia seems the petulant child with this kind of silly crud....
Very Funny stuff. About time Nivdia showed a sense of humor.

Thing i don't get is why Nvidia has these cartoons up, shouldn't AMD be the one with the cartoons?
[citation][nom]jonpaul37[/nom]Thing i don't get is why Nvidia has these cartoons up, shouldn't AMD be the one with the cartoons?[/citation]

Well, nVidia is pretty cheesed with Intel and I don't blame them. I'm sure AMD is none too happy with Intel either but recently Intel has just slapped nVidia right square in the face.
[citation][nom]azcoyote[/nom]So completely unimportant it is a shock anyone would bother... Stick with hard evidence not silly cartoons. Nvidia seems the petulant child with this kind of silly crud....[/citation]
Don't underestimate the power of editorial cartoons.
uh oh nvidia needs to watch out, intel might sell their video cards to dell and give them 1.2 billion a year for doing it!!
Honestly who cares. AMD is the one leading these days. The new radeon's are just amazing. I'm a AMD fan boy once again 🙂
It's one thing for the media (newspapers, etc) to make cartoons like this. But generally I think it's a stupid idea for nVidia to be doing this. Especially with ongoing litigation between Intel & nVidia over different competitive things.

In all reality, Intel and nVidia shouldn't be fighting each other. In some sense, they are equally competitors against ATI/AMD. This bickering isn't helping either of them.
I always knew Intel never played fair. Intel's P4's after Northwood were a POS. Not until Core2 did Intel have a good CPU again. But why were AMD chips not more available in OEM products? Intel's underhanded business practices thats why.
lol, good one nvidia. but not enough seeing as how Intel stabbed you in the back. (note:they also twisted the knife by making the chipset less important and then left it there)
while you sit there poking fun at Intel, Intel is hard at work with Larrabee. It is trying hard to catch up fast. And when it does, who will have the last laugh? Humor won't win the war for you. Go and work on that x86 cpu and show Intel what you can do!
All for NVidia products, but grow up Nvidia. Apparently you have too much money and time to spend on unprofessional business crap like this - though amusing. Please focus your time, energy and money on provide your customers with a better product, sooner. Besides, this crap does not even phase Intel one bit.
you guys are acting like Nvidia is pulling engineers and R&D money off its graphics card to make this. Its a little cartoon and its funny. Its not like Intel cant handle or deserve for that matter, a little joke at they're exspense.
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