I sense that a lot of the people posting here are kids with absolutely no understanding of business. In other words, basically fools that think life is a game, because they spend too much time playing games.
Big companies should always sound big. Never petty, never taking cheap shots at competition. You can never say anything too meaningful about your competition, because everyone knows you're biased, and naturally discounts it. You can say a lot about yourself, though, and these cartoons show Nvidia is a small time company, with an idiot for a CEO who has no business etiquette. Now, I'm sure the kiddies here think it's cute, but if you're a company CEO, you're going to be put off by this type of infantile behavior.
It's one thing for NVIDIA to try to convince people their products are better, by comparison. If they were comparing stuff like Apple and Microsoft do, it's OK. Notice how neither ever gets into nonsense like legal issues, or anything childish. One says their machines are easier to use, and setup. The other says machines based on their software are cheaper to buy. Both are legitimate, and are accepted as being competitive. When you show cartoons comparing your competitor with an ex-president lying about an indiscretion, or the Godfather, you're clearly breeching common business etiquette. They make themselves look foolish and small time, much more than they make Intel look bad. Real companies just don't do this stuff. They stay above it.
Let's face it. NVIDIA is going out of business. They know it, and Intel is a major reason why. But, their chipsets have been horrible and problematic, so it's not a bad thing. I don't know anyone who buys their chipsets, because they suck. Their video cards are generally competitive, but, then, that's a shrinking market as time goes along and as integration into the processor becomes more common. It might not go away completely, but it's hard to base a business on when your competitors have options you do not. They are being smart by trying to make software run on GPUs, but, then it's not going to catch on, despite a good effort. They waited WAY too long to get started on a CPU and now they'll go under. They can not compete with AMD and Intel without a CPU. That's the future of integration, and they wasted too long to understand it.
Cartoons aren't going to change it.