. You pay over $750 for a graphics card to play it <4k, you have more money than you know what to do with.
nope just keep saving so when prices hopefully do fall, i will be able to choose any card i want

based on current prices, i agree, but only because the prices are so messed up.
it doesnt matter if there are 40 games, or 400 games, if the games a person plays, doesnt support those features. and this is where i am sitting.And there are over 40 titles that now use dlss. And that list will only grow
and again, this, as well as the other features and pros you keep saying as positives for rtx cards are moot and a non issue if the games a person plays, doesnt support it, which you seem to keep ignoring like that shouldn't matter, and then keep mentioning those Pros. but it could matter, specially if, after prices hopefully return to more sane levels, the price difference between each card, is 100 or more. makes me wonder, either you work for nvidia, as that is what a salesmen would do, or you love nvidia.
i have played SupCom and an I7 930, and then an i7 5930k, with the same vid card, a 7970, and still had to turn the graphics down as after about 30 mins or so, the game started to slow down, like some one was pressing the minus keys to lower the game speed, at +10, it was running more like it was at -5, adjust the graphics options down, and the game would speed up. cause of that, i doubt it was the cpus being used as going from a 930, to a 5930k, was a pretty decient upgrade at the time 🙂
and supcom 2 did use a different game engine i think, definatly not the same as the 1st, it was basically a port from the Xbox version, and it showed. quite honestly, no were near the same as SupCom 1. i played through 2, and after that, went back to and keep playing SupCom 1.