Nvidia's GeForce RTX 3080 Ti getting ready for mass production.
Nvidia RTX 3080 Ti Price, Specs, Release Date Apparently Leak : Read more
Nvidia RTX 3080 Ti Price, Specs, Release Date Apparently Leak : Read more
If there is no mining limiter, it will mine just as well as a 3090. Maybe even more efficiently with half the RAM chips. So it will be priced like a 3090 on auction sites.Sounds like a $2900 card from the scalpers and that's if you can find one.
At that price range, you should stop looking at PC gaming and look to the consoles. PC GPU vendors have completely abandoned mainstream gamers. The vendors make minimal effort to get their cards into the hands of gamers, and the prices are all distorted by crypto and scalping.How long will I have to wait to be able to buy a decent upgrade for 300-400 bucks? Years?
It's pretty ridiculous. I feel like I'm gonna be where I am now in perpetuity.Nvidia can charge whatever they want and it will sell out. Miners and scalpers and streamers will be all over this. 12GB of VRAM seems absolutely anemic at $1100+. I'm sure the performance is great, but paying double the price of a console for less memory? Nope. 16GB should have been the minimum. Too expensive for me.
I'd love to have a 30-series card, but there's no point in even following this launch given the high price and likelihood to instantly sell out. It'll be just like the 6700 launch AMD recently had -- lots of hype and then zero stock for gamers.
At that price range, you should stop looking at PC gaming and look to the consoles. PC GPU vendors have completely abandoned mainstream gamers. The vendors make minimal effort to get their cards into the hands of gamers, and the prices are all distorted by crypto and scalping.
I know it's getting ridiculous and it has made prebuilts the way to go until supply catches up with demand.And none of this will matter, as majority of mainstream gaming users will be unable to purchase this card.
But... I did notice Newegg had 2060 series cards back in stock for $850-900 a piece.
I know it's getting ridiculous and it has made prebuilts the way to go until supply catches up with demand.
I'm just patiently waiting. Nursing my old RX580 along until I can get an upgrade.
EDIT: well not like, super patiently. LOL